Pluton: Document class. With XML description documents.
This class were started in
This class detects if a document exists, and include it.
[ XML description documents]
It also reads document description (title, extra metadata) from a new
XML format, from _documents.xml file:
<documents topic="quux">
<document> <article>one-tool</article> <title>One tool</title> <description>This is a tool.</description> <head><![CDATA[ <link href='/stylesheets/forms.css'rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> ]]></head> </document> <document> <article>other-tool</article> <title>Another tool</title> </document>
This file belongs to the topic folder (here it will be quux/_documents.xml).
That XML idea will allow:
- to get rid of the database for static sites;
- to build a static generator.
The format is simple, so it won't be complicated to create an administration
panel to manage them.