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Example output for a CSS @font-face rule:
[<WhitespaceToken>, <IdentToken font-family>, <LiteralToken :>, <WhitespaceToken>, <StringToken "Source Sans Pro">, <LiteralToken ;>, <WhitespaceToken>, <IdentToken font-style>, <LiteralToken :>, <WhitespaceToken>, <IdentToken italic>, <LiteralToken ;>, <WhitespaceToken>, <IdentToken font-weight>, <LiteralToken :>, <WhitespaceToken>, <NumberToken 400>, <LiteralToken ;>, <WhitespaceToken>, <IdentToken font-display>, <LiteralToken :>, <WhitespaceToken>, <IdentToken swap>, <LiteralToken ;>, <WhitespaceToken>, <IdentToken src>, <LiteralToken :>, <WhitespaceToken>, <URLToken url(https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/sourcesanspro/v21/6xK1dSBYKcSV-LCoeQqfX1RYOo3qPa7g.ttf)>, <WhitespaceToken>, <FunctionBlock format( … )>, <LiteralToken ;>, <WhitespaceToken>]
Plan for T1881 is to download assets with a <family>-<style>-<weight>.<format> filename scheme.
From the tokens we can do this:
- Determine this is a font-family rule with has_ident_token(rule, "font-family")
- Search IdentToken font-family, and then the first StringToken, remove spaces (e.g. "Source Sans Pro" -> "SourceSansPro")
- Search IdentToken font-style, and then the first IdentToken (e.g. "italic")
- Search IdentToken font-weight, and then the first NumberToken (e.g. 400)
- Search IdentToken src, and then the first URLToken, get also extension (e.g. ttf)
- wget -O dist/SourceSansPro-italic-400.ttf <url>
Then we need to output the rule after replacing the URLToken by https://assets.nasqueron.org/webfonts/SourceSansPro-italic-400.ttf
The exercice must be done in TTF and woff2.
def has_ident_token(rule, token):
return any(token.type == 'IDENT' and token.lower_value == token for token in rule.content)