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Migrate all fonts assets
Open, NormalPublic


Fonts should be served from Nasqueron server.

Hunt fonts uses in the web repositories,
and organize a webfonts/ folder to host them locally.

More complex fonts distributions like Font Awesome can be put in lib/

Identified issues

rDII ->

Other static assets:

Event Timeline

dereckson triaged this task as Normal priority.May 21 2023, 00:30
dereckson created this task.
dereckson updated the task description. (Show Details)

Import mechanism

A 2023 assets-manager repository with a script to import fonts, compliant with D3137 compliance and containing P335 parsing code exists on my dev workspace. Publishing it as rAM.

Probably worthwhile to store the different tools used to build assets there.

Fonts for infrastructure sites

Lot of error pages and small pages on the PaaS currently depend of infra CSS.

That CSS uses 3 fonts: Dosis, Source Sans Pro, Roboto Mono. Only Source Sans Pro is currently available in rASSETS.

<link href="|Source+Sans+Pro|Roboto+Mono" rel="stylesheet">

Plan is to use script to prepare Dosis and Roboto Mono resources.