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Install oidentd on Eglide
Closed, ResolvedPublic


As Eglide welcomes IRC activities, we need an oidentd server with the following rules:

  • use account name by default
  • can spoof any alphanumerical string
  • can't spoof other user account name

This required the software an an /etc/oidentd.conf like:

/usr/local/etc/oidentd.conf on Grip
default {
        default {
                allow spoof
                deny spoof_all
                deny spoof_privport
                allow random_numeric
                allow numeric
                allow hide

user root {
        default {
                force reply "alexander"

Problem we have

Currently, we don't listen to the oidentd requests.

As Scaleway redirects a public IP to a private IP, does oidentd handle that correctly?

Event Timeline

dereckson renamed this task from Install oident on Eglide to Install oidentd on Eglide.Nov 12 2016, 02:05
dereckson updated the task description. (Show Details)
dereckson added projects: Eglide, IRC, Salt, User-Dereckson.
dereckson removed a subscriber: dereckson.

Actually, allow spoof_all and allow spoof_privport are fine.

dereckson added subscribers: dereckson, tomjerr.

Actually, allow spoof_all and allow spoof_privport are fine.

Nope, they aren't.

From the man page:

  • spoof_all: Allow the usernames of other users to be used as ident responses.
  • spoof_privport: Allow ident replies to be spoofed on privileged ports (ports lower than 1024).

As user accounts don't use ports < 1024 and we don't have a legitimate case to share usernames, Grip config works fine.

Installation and config works, but spoof didn't work with the following .oidentd.conf file with irssi or weechat:

global {
        reply "quuxian"

oidentd is installed, any configuration step can be done separately if needed.

dereckson raised the priority of this task from Low to Normal.EditedMar 3 2017, 12:54

Bumping priority as @tomjerr needs this.

Works now, probably a bug fixed during an upgrade :)