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Migrate 2017 Ysul content to Windriver
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Former /datacube content hasn't been restored to Ysul in October 2017, when we moved from an EXSi hypervisor to baremetal. Two copies of this data exist, one on the legacy hypervisor, one on Okto, a local VM on my workstation.

Plan is to copy /datacube from Okto to Windriver and monitor space use. When it reaches 50 Gb, we provision a more robust storage solution (e.g. a server with SATA drives mounted as NFS).

Event Timeline

dereckson triaged this task as High priority.Nov 21 2019, 21:51
dereckson created this task.
dereckson updated the task description. (Show Details)
dereckson renamed this task from Give access to Ysul /datacube content to Migrate 2017 Ysul content to Windriver .May 12 2023, 22:04