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Define Tasacora server REST API specification
Closed, WontfixPublic


We need an API to act as a controller receiving map requests, calling generation code, and returning generated map.

Why an API?

Tasacora main entry point will be a web rich applicative client.

If we use API, we gain more flexibility: for example, we could also provide a CLI client to be able to use Tasacora from a terminal without any need to install nina.

And we also allow third party to use it.

Documentation first

Plan is to use Open API / Swagger specification to define a REST API.

From there, we'll provide filler code to perform tasks.

Swagger utilities are able to generate documentation and tests.

This will directly get a very clear insight about the tasks Tasacora can perform and what we need to develop.

The Swagger way

We'll define a YAML document which respects the OpenAPI Specification.

There is an editor provided at to achieve this and see the documentation is real time.

Roadmap: where we'll go from there?

Once we have a working API implementation, we can work on two basis:

  • at front-end level, to produce a website able to use the API
  • at back-end level, @rama will revisit its codebase and release a Python 3 module and a CLI client to perform tasks already developed in rTASACORAEX

These two developments will be able to evolve in parallel: for example, the filler code will offer a sample thematic map, so front-end can focus on the UI, regardless the API can or not use rTASACORAEX code.

Event Timeline

dereckson claimed this task.

Archiving Tasacora project as this project doesn't currently have any traction or resources.

Thanks a lot to Rama, Ash Crow, Kumkum and Harmonia for their support on this project.

If any developer is interested, please get in touch to reopen those tasks in bulk:
a bulk update from Wontfix to Open is suitable.