User Details
User Details
- User Since
- Mar 30 2015, 00:33 (515 w, 4 d)
- Availability
- Available
Sep 5 2016
Sep 5 2016
Jul 19 2015
Jul 19 2015
rama added a comment to T295: Create a Vim default system configuration on Ysul.
Difficulties I noticed with vim: tried to copy/paste (mouse middle button) the script found at
after pressing the "a" key ("append") to switch to edit mode. Console froze for a dozen seconds and issued garbage. I managed to close vim and return to a working prompt.
Apr 14 2015
Apr 14 2015
rama committed rTASACORAEXPb7c2aa599107: Small corrections in WheelManager Created CSV reading methods (very easy… (authored by rama).
Small corrections in WheelManager Created CSV reading methods (very easy…
Apr 11 2015
Apr 11 2015
rama edited P57 git log.
Apr 10 2015
Apr 10 2015
rama committed rTASACORAEXP140577964688: Debug of SvgWheelManager. Chart maps now functionning properly. (authored by rama).
Debug of SvgWheelManager. Chart maps now functionning properly.
Apr 9 2015
Apr 9 2015
rama committed rTASACORAEXPeb9bf23b5523: First draft for Circle Charts over areas. Plots random numbers, still quite… (authored by rama).
First draft for Circle Charts over areas. Plots random numbers, still quite…
rama accepted D6: Added .arcconfig.
rama committed rTASACORAEXPf17b79a81071: Adding the maps directory and its maps, so that people can play with the… (authored by rama).
Adding the maps directory and its maps, so that people can play with the…
rama committed rTASACORAEXP52dc698e6a5f: Small changes to support cases where the Svg:Path do not have an id, but are… (authored by rama).
Small changes to support cases where the Svg:Path do not have an id, but are…
rama committed rTASACORAEXP262e86f3cbd7: Relative coordinates now properly supported. (authored by rama).
Relative coordinates now properly supported.
rama committed rTASACORAEXP5ec7d3f7f41e: Fixed bug in path reading: non-contiguous land masses now properly supported. (authored by rama).
Fixed bug in path reading: non-contiguous land masses now properly supported.
Apr 8 2015
Apr 8 2015
rama committed rTASACORAEXPedb37470ba6b: Two new classes: SvgWheelManager adds features towards eventually plotting… (authored by rama).
Two new classes: SvgWheelManager adds features towards eventually plotting…
Apr 4 2015
Apr 4 2015
rama committed rTASACORAEXPe793199fb842: Added XSLT pre-processin to clean labels for use in CSS, and remove formatting… (authored by rama).
Added XSLT pre-processin to clean labels for use in CSS, and remove formatting…
Apr 3 2015
Apr 3 2015
rama committed rTASACORAEXP1b5648c6141e: new regex to detect geographical IDs and filter out SVG code (authored by rama).
new regex to detect geographical IDs and filter out SVG code
Apr 2 2015
Apr 2 2015
rama committed rTASACORAEXP4564e4b7a40f: Added colour manager. Does not lots of things for now, can be tested with . (authored by rama).
Added colour manager. Does not lots of things for now, can be tested with .
Mar 31 2015
Mar 31 2015
rama committed rTASACORAEXPee464416e03b: adding a configuration directory to hold text files to be read by various sub… (authored by rama).
adding a configuration directory to hold text files to be read by various sub…
rama committed rTASACORAEXP7da92244ce55: First elements of Tasacona: trying to detect the geographi labels in input… (authored by rama).
First elements of Tasacona: trying to detect the geographi labels in input…
Mar 30 2015
Mar 30 2015
rama committed rTASACORAEXP17fc671d8f93: Merge branch 'master' of (authored by rama).
Merge branch 'master' of
rama committed rTASACORAEXP4338d9960c07: Added nina, the first protoype of the programme. Colours maps from tsd files… (authored by rama).
Added nina, the first protoype of the programme. Colours maps from tsd files…