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Dec 18 2016

dereckson updated the task description for T1061: Fork phpmetrics to produce code quality data for Nasqueron PHP code.
Dec 18 2016, 14:48 · Notifications center, Continous integration and delivery
dereckson updated the task description for T1061: Fork phpmetrics to produce code quality data for Nasqueron PHP code.
Dec 18 2016, 14:47 · Notifications center, Continous integration and delivery
dereckson triaged T1061: Fork phpmetrics to produce code quality data for Nasqueron PHP code as Low priority.
Dec 18 2016, 14:41 · Notifications center, Continous integration and delivery
dereckson triaged T1063: Implement phan analysis support in CI as Low priority.
Dec 18 2016, 14:41 · Continous integration and delivery, Notifications center (No, this is not a magic elixir, this is a fir distillate.)
dereckson renamed T625: Upgrade PHP images to PHP 7.1.0 from Upgrade PHP images to PHP 7.0.1 to Upgrade PHP images to PHP 7.1.0.
Dec 18 2016, 14:41 · Notifications center (No, this is not a magic elixir, this is a fir distillate.), Docker images
dereckson created T1063: Implement phan analysis support in CI.
Dec 18 2016, 14:31 · Continous integration and delivery, Notifications center (No, this is not a magic elixir, this is a fir distillate.)
dereckson updated the task description for T1062: Upgrade notifications center code base to PHP 7.
Dec 18 2016, 14:06 · Notifications center (No, this is not a magic elixir, this is a fir distillate.)
dereckson updated the task description for T1062: Upgrade notifications center code base to PHP 7.
Dec 18 2016, 13:30 · Notifications center (No, this is not a magic elixir, this is a fir distillate.)
dereckson added a project to T625: Upgrade PHP images to PHP 7.1.0: Notifications center (No, this is not a magic elixir, this is a fir distillate.).
Dec 18 2016, 12:43 · Notifications center (No, this is not a magic elixir, this is a fir distillate.), Docker images
dereckson set the image for Notifications center (No, this is not a magic elixir, this is a fir distillate.) to F187066: fa-map-marker-charcoal.png.
Dec 18 2016, 12:43
dereckson renamed Notifications center (No, this is not a magic elixir, this is a fir distillate.) from No, this is not a magic elixir, this is a sapin distillate. to No, this is not a magic elixir, this is a fir distillate..
Dec 18 2016, 12:42
dereckson created T1062: Upgrade notifications center code base to PHP 7.
Dec 18 2016, 12:41 · Notifications center (No, this is not a magic elixir, this is a fir distillate.)
dereckson created T1061: Fork phpmetrics to produce code quality data for Nasqueron PHP code.
Dec 18 2016, 12:28 · Notifications center, Continous integration and delivery
dereckson created Notifications center (No, this is not a magic elixir, this is a fir distillate.).
Dec 18 2016, 12:27