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Mar 31 2023
Vault part is OK by adding apps to vault_mount_paths.
Simplify Vault path by bypassing this prefix thing
Vault policy
Last tweaks, e.g. read durable parameters and adjust permissions like currently deployed
declare wearg-notifications as durable
So if someone needs more recent ICU, the cleaner way would be a custom Bullseye build of the icu source package. We'll include it in packages.nasqueron.org, and from there, the repository can then be used in the image both for libxml2 and PHP itself.
"Fun" fact: libxml requires libicu, and pulls the system one of course:
Debian images will lag too much, review https://icu.unicode.org/download, we're at 71, Debian Bullseye is stuck at 67.
For shellserver and devserver role, the intl extension is already installed, per bdd61c48. MediaWiki is quoted as example of application using it.
Pro tip: even in a data provider, you can format the arrays to help to read them.
Current status: Airflow works, Sentry works.
Mar 30 2023
No more warning 🎉 🎊