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Apr 15 2023

dereckson accepted D3024: Detect BSD as current OS.
Apr 15 2023, 13:49
dereckson requested review of D3024: Detect BSD as current OS.
Apr 15 2023, 13:48
dereckson closed D3023: Serve MediaWiki SaaS entrypoint from /srv/saas/mediawiki No-op as it's already a symlink on Ysul.
Apr 15 2023, 13:38
dereckson committed rOPSde521d470e60: Serve MediaWiki SaaS entrypoint from /srv/saas/mediawiki (authored by dereckson).
Serve MediaWiki SaaS entrypoint from /srv/saas/mediawiki
Apr 15 2023, 13:38
dereckson accepted D3023: Serve MediaWiki SaaS entrypoint from /srv/saas/mediawiki No-op as it's already a symlink on Ysul.
Apr 15 2023, 13:37
dereckson requested review of D3023: Serve MediaWiki SaaS entrypoint from /srv/saas/mediawiki No-op as it's already a symlink on Ysul.
Apr 15 2023, 13:37
dereckson added a revision to T845: Create a wiki farm: D3023: Serve MediaWiki SaaS entrypoint from /srv/saas/mediawiki No-op as it's already a symlink on Ysul.
Apr 15 2023, 13:37 · Servers
dereckson updated the diff for D3013: Deploy Alkane on webserver-alkane role.

Insecable yet another one

Apr 15 2023, 11:27
dereckson updated the diff for D3013: Deploy Alkane on webserver-alkane role.

Various fixes done on Complector during deployment on WindRiver

Apr 15 2023, 10:53
dereckson updated the diff for D3013: Deploy Alkane on webserver-alkane role.

Hunt insecable space

Apr 15 2023, 09:58
dereckson closed D3022: Add template to comment on Phabricator Salt deployments.
Apr 15 2023, 07:36
dereckson committed rSNIPPETS757788f38c6e: Add template to comment on Phabricator Salt deployments (authored by dereckson).
Add template to comment on Phabricator Salt deployments
Apr 15 2023, 07:36
dereckson accepted D3022: Add template to comment on Phabricator Salt deployments.

Space after the $ is intentional to let copy/paste the salt command.

Apr 15 2023, 07:36
dereckson requested review of D3022: Add template to comment on Phabricator Salt deployments.
Apr 15 2023, 07:35
dereckson added a comment to D3021: Upgrade to MariaDB 10.11.
$ salt db-B-001 state.apply roles/dbserver-mysql/content
          ID: dbserver_mysql_db_Nasqueron
    Function: mysql_database.present
        Name: Nasqueron
      Result: True
     Comment: Database Nasqueron is already present
              Database collate uca1400_as_ci != utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci needs to be updated
     Started: 09:34:16.780371
    Duration: 9.204 ms
Apr 15 2023, 07:33
dereckson closed D3021: Upgrade to MariaDB 10.11.
Apr 15 2023, 07:32
dereckson committed rOPSf67468667a8b: Upgrade to MariaDB 10.11 (authored by dereckson).
Upgrade to MariaDB 10.11
Apr 15 2023, 07:32
dereckson accepted D3021: Upgrade to MariaDB 10.11.
    -> WHERE COLLATION_NAME LIKE 'uca1400_%';
| uca1400_ai_ci                  | NULL               | NULL | NULL       | Yes         |       8 |
| uca1400_ai_cs                  | NULL               | NULL | NULL       | Yes         |       8 |
| uca1400_as_ci                  | NULL               | NULL | NULL       | Yes         |       8 |
| uca1400_as_cs                  | NULL               | NULL | NULL       | Yes         |       8 |
| uca1400_nopad_ai_ci            | NULL               | NULL | NULL       | Yes         |       8 |
| uca1400_nopad_ai_cs            | NULL               | NULL | NULL       | Yes         |       8 |
| uca1400_nopad_as_ci            | NULL               | NULL | NULL       | Yes         |       8 |
| uca1400_nopad_as_cs            | NULL               | NULL | NULL       | Yes         |       8 |
| uca1400_icelandic_ai_ci        | NULL               | NULL | NULL       | Yes         |       8 |
| uca1400_icelandic_ai_cs        | NULL               | NULL | NULL       | Yes         |       8 |
| uca1400_icelandic_as_ci        | NULL               | NULL | NULL       | Yes         |       8 |
| uca1400_icelandic_as_cs        | NULL               | NULL | NULL       | Yes         |       8 |
| uca1400_icelandic_nopad_ai_ci  | NULL               | NULL | NULL       | Yes         |       8 |
| uca1400_icelandic_nopad_ai_cs  | NULL               | NULL | NULL       | Yes         |       8 |
| uca1400_icelandic_nopad_as_ci  | NULL               | NULL | NULL       | Yes         |       8 |
| uca1400_icelandic_nopad_as_cs  | NULL               | NULL | NULL       | Yes         |       8 |
| uca1400_latvian_ai_ci          | NULL               | NULL | NULL       | Yes         |       8 |
| uca1400_latvian_ai_cs          | NULL               | NULL | NULL       | Yes         |       8 |
Apr 15 2023, 07:31
dereckson requested review of D3021: Upgrade to MariaDB 10.11.
Apr 15 2023, 07:29
dereckson closed D3020: Provision global tmux default configuration.
Apr 15 2023, 07:18
dereckson committed rOPSbe2308b98597: Provision global tmux default configuration (authored by dereckson).
Provision global tmux default configuration
Apr 15 2023, 07:18
dereckson updated the diff for D3020: Provision global tmux default configuration.


Apr 15 2023, 07:18
dereckson accepted D3020: Provision global tmux default configuration.
Apr 15 2023, 07:16
dereckson requested review of D3020: Provision global tmux default configuration.
Apr 15 2023, 07:16
dereckson committed rOPS7a388e2d4c9f: Enable latest FreeBSD repository on dbserver-mysql (authored by dereckson).
Enable latest FreeBSD repository on dbserver-mysql
Apr 15 2023, 07:02
dereckson closed D3019: Enable latest FreeBSD repository on dbserver-mysql.
Apr 15 2023, 07:02
dereckson updated the summary of D3019: Enable latest FreeBSD repository on dbserver-mysql.
Apr 15 2023, 07:01
dereckson added a revision to T1803: Move and migrate Ysul production services elsewhere: D3019: Enable latest FreeBSD repository on dbserver-mysql.
Apr 15 2023, 07:01 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Alkane, Servers
dereckson accepted D3019: Enable latest FreeBSD repository on dbserver-mysql.
$ salt db-B-001 state.apply hotfixes/MariaDB test=True
          ID: /etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf
    Function: file.replace
      Result: None
     Comment: Changes would have been made
     Started: 08:58:36.312238
    Duration: 11.545 ms
                  @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
Apr 15 2023, 07:00
dereckson requested review of D3019: Enable latest FreeBSD repository on dbserver-mysql.
Apr 15 2023, 07:00

Apr 14 2023

dereckson closed D3018: Release v0.1.2.
Apr 14 2023, 22:33
dereckson committed rALK9129815e6101: Release v0.1.2 (authored by dereckson).
Release v0.1.2
Apr 14 2023, 22:33
dereckson accepted D3018: Release v0.1.2.
Apr 14 2023, 22:20
dereckson requested review of D3018: Release v0.1.2.
Apr 14 2023, 22:19
dereckson committed rALKc102b4945c6c: Format Rust in cargo fmt codestyle (authored by dereckson).
Format Rust in cargo fmt codestyle
Apr 14 2023, 22:14
dereckson closed D3017: Format Rust in cargo fmt codestyle.
Apr 14 2023, 22:14
dereckson accepted D3017: Format Rust in cargo fmt codestyle.
Apr 14 2023, 22:14
dereckson awarded D3016: Create initialized sites subdirectory a Y So Serious token.
Apr 14 2023, 22:09
dereckson requested review of D3017: Format Rust in cargo fmt codestyle.
Apr 14 2023, 22:09
dereckson closed D3016: Create initialized sites subdirectory.
Apr 14 2023, 22:06
dereckson committed rALK8f1adf33385d: Create initialized sites subdirectory (authored by dereckson).
Create initialized sites subdirectory
Apr 14 2023, 22:06
dereckson accepted D3016: Create initialized sites subdirectory.
Apr 14 2023, 22:05
dereckson requested review of D3016: Create initialized sites subdirectory.
Apr 14 2023, 22:05
dereckson closed D3015: Avoid to mark a site initialized on failure.
Apr 14 2023, 21:12
dereckson committed rALK3124e5a90b11: Avoid to mark a site initialized on failure (authored by dereckson).
Avoid to mark a site initialized on failure
Apr 14 2023, 21:12
dereckson accepted D3015: Avoid to mark a site initialized on failure.
Apr 14 2023, 21:12
dereckson requested review of D3015: Avoid to mark a site initialized on failure.
Apr 14 2023, 21:11
dereckson committed rALK9e3423554678: Log correctly stdout and stderr (authored by dereckson).
Log correctly stdout and stderr
Apr 14 2023, 21:11
dereckson closed D3014: Log correctly stdout and stderr.
Apr 14 2023, 21:11
dereckson accepted D3014: Log correctly stdout and stderr.
Apr 14 2023, 21:09
dereckson updated the diff for D3014: Log correctly stdout and stderr.

Don't bump version I've seen another issue

Apr 14 2023, 20:56
dereckson requested review of D3014: Log correctly stdout and stderr.
Apr 14 2023, 20:56
dereckson closed T1832: Fix core role for Debian nodes as Resolved.
Apr 14 2023, 20:48 · Servers, Salt
dereckson added a revision to T1828: Provide Alkane, Nasqueron PaaS to serve PHP and static sites: D3013: Deploy Alkane on webserver-alkane role.
Apr 14 2023, 00:10 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Alkane, Servers, User-Dereckson
dereckson requested review of D3013: Deploy Alkane on webserver-alkane role.
Apr 14 2023, 00:10
dereckson added a revision to T1826: Create Alkane utility: D3013: Deploy Alkane on webserver-alkane role.
Apr 14 2023, 00:10 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Alkane

Apr 13 2023

dereckson closed D3012: Don't listen to world SSH for IntraNought servers.
Apr 13 2023, 23:59
dereckson closed T1829: Don't listen to world SSH for IntraNought servers as Resolved by committing rOPSe295e695501b: Don't listen to world SSH for IntraNought servers.
Apr 13 2023, 23:59 · security, Servers
dereckson closed T1829: Don't listen to world SSH for IntraNought servers , a subtask of T1828: Provide Alkane, Nasqueron PaaS to serve PHP and static sites, as Resolved.
Apr 13 2023, 23:59 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Alkane, Servers, User-Dereckson
dereckson committed rOPSe295e695501b: Don't listen to world SSH for IntraNought servers (authored by dereckson).
Don't listen to world SSH for IntraNought servers
Apr 13 2023, 23:59
dereckson accepted D3012: Don't listen to world SSH for IntraNought servers.
Apr 13 2023, 23:59
dereckson added a revision to T1829: Don't listen to world SSH for IntraNought servers : D3012: Don't listen to world SSH for IntraNought servers.
Apr 13 2023, 23:47 · security, Servers
dereckson requested review of D3012: Don't listen to world SSH for IntraNought servers.
Apr 13 2023, 23:47
dereckson closed D3011: Provision configuration dotfiles everywhere.
Apr 13 2023, 23:38
dereckson committed rOPSe2f76901ab5f: Provision configuration dotfiles everywhere (authored by dereckson).
Provision configuration dotfiles everywhere
Apr 13 2023, 23:38
dereckson accepted D3011: Provision configuration dotfiles everywhere.
Apr 13 2023, 18:07
dereckson updated the diff for D3011: Provision configuration dotfiles everywhere.


Apr 13 2023, 18:06
dereckson requested review of D3011: Provision configuration dotfiles everywhere.
Apr 13 2023, 18:04
dereckson added a comment to T1283: Lint SaltStack files.

We've adopted it in rOPS and it finds insecable spaces put inside {{ }} instead of regular spaces at least.

Apr 13 2023, 18:02 · Continous integration and delivery, Salt, Servers
dereckson closed D3010: Don't panic if site path can't be resolved.
Apr 13 2023, 01:32
dereckson closed T1830: Panic when a site name can't be resolved as Resolved by committing rALK42ac05d593ec: Don't panic if site path can't be resolved.
Apr 13 2023, 01:32 · Alkane
dereckson committed rALK42ac05d593ec: Don't panic if site path can't be resolved (authored by dereckson).
Don't panic if site path can't be resolved
Apr 13 2023, 01:31
dereckson accepted D3010: Don't panic if site path can't be resolved.
Apr 13 2023, 01:31
dereckson updated the diff for D3010: Don't panic if site path can't be resolved.

Bump version

Apr 13 2023, 01:30
dereckson added a comment to T1830: Panic when a site name can't be resolved.

If it's the only bug we can bump the version.

Apr 13 2023, 01:29 · Alkane
dereckson requested review of D3010: Don't panic if site path can't be resolved.
Apr 13 2023, 01:28
dereckson added a revision to T1830: Panic when a site name can't be resolved: D3010: Don't panic if site path can't be resolved.
Apr 13 2023, 01:28 · Alkane
dereckson claimed T1830: Panic when a site name can't be resolved.
Apr 13 2023, 01:25 · Alkane
dereckson added a comment to T1830: Panic when a site name can't be resolved.

With the fix:

Apr 13 2023, 01:25 · Alkane
dereckson closed D3009: Upgrade PsySH to v0.11.15 to get PHP 8.2 compatibility.
Apr 13 2023, 00:36
dereckson committed rOPS54204cb515fc: Upgrade PsySH to v0.11.15 to get PHP 8.2 compatibility (authored by dereckson).
Upgrade PsySH to v0.11.15 to get PHP 8.2 compatibility
Apr 13 2023, 00:36
dereckson accepted D3009: Upgrade PsySH to v0.11.15 to get PHP 8.2 compatibility.
$ psysh -V
Psy Shell v0.11.15 (PHP 8.2.4 — cli)
$ psysh
Psy Shell v0.11.15 (PHP 8.2.4 — cli) by Justin Hileman
Apr 13 2023, 00:35
dereckson updated the test plan for D3009: Upgrade PsySH to v0.11.15 to get PHP 8.2 compatibility.
Apr 13 2023, 00:34
dereckson requested review of D3009: Upgrade PsySH to v0.11.15 to get PHP 8.2 compatibility.
Apr 13 2023, 00:34
dereckson closed D3008: Allow to use bat on Debian.
Apr 13 2023, 00:21
dereckson committed rOPS87154401c3df: Allow to use bat on Debian (authored by dereckson).
Allow to use bat on Debian
Apr 13 2023, 00:21
dereckson accepted D3008: Allow to use bat on Debian.
Apr 13 2023, 00:21
dereckson requested review of D3008: Allow to use bat on Debian.
Apr 13 2023, 00:21
dereckson added a revision to T1832: Fix core role for Debian nodes: D3008: Allow to use bat on Debian.
Apr 13 2023, 00:21 · Servers, Salt
dereckson committed rOPS6549efc85279: Add backport to Debian repositories (authored by dereckson).
Add backport to Debian repositories
Apr 13 2023, 00:13
dereckson closed D3007: Add backport to Debian repositories.
Apr 13 2023, 00:13
dereckson accepted D3007: Add backport to Debian repositories.
Apr 13 2023, 00:12
dereckson added a revision to T1832: Fix core role for Debian nodes: D3007: Add backport to Debian repositories.
Apr 13 2023, 00:12 · Servers, Salt
dereckson requested review of D3007: Add backport to Debian repositories.
Apr 13 2023, 00:12
dereckson closed D3006: Define CloudHugger netmask.
Apr 13 2023, 00:10
dereckson committed rOPSd3f23dea034f: Define CloudHugger netmask (authored by dereckson).
Define CloudHugger netmask
Apr 13 2023, 00:10

Apr 12 2023

dereckson added a comment to D3006: Define CloudHugger netmask.

Updated NetBox to declare as /24 and add as gateway:

Apr 12 2023, 23:43
dereckson accepted D3006: Define CloudHugger netmask.
Apr 12 2023, 23:37
dereckson updated the test plan for D3006: Define CloudHugger netmask.
Apr 12 2023, 23:37
dereckson requested review of D3006: Define CloudHugger netmask.
Apr 12 2023, 23:37