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May 13 2023
May 13 2023
dereckson committed rOPS0e1b21e5a499: Ignore a failure to find pam_nologin\.so in SSH PAM configuration (authored by dereckson).
Ignore a failure to find pam_nologin\.so in SSH PAM configuration
$ salt thrayce state.apply roles/core/sshd […] ID: pam_disable_nologin Function: file.comment Name: /etc/pam.d/sshd Result: True Comment: Pattern not found and ignore_missing set to True Started: 10:38:53.887257 Duration: 7.978 ms Changes: […]
dereckson requested review of D3092: Ignore a failure to find pam_nologin\.so in SSH PAM configuration.
dereckson committed rOPS598c0830fd3a: Enable Salt minion server on FreeBSD nodes (authored by dereckson).
Enable Salt minion server on FreeBSD nodes
dereckson committed rOPS93c6c0b7f45a: Enable OpenSSH server on FreeBSD nodes (authored by dereckson).
Enable OpenSSH server on FreeBSD nodes
router-001 IPv6
To be coherent with new table names, incident_post.step_id -> incident_post.status_id?
Nice to see it takes shape :)
inidal added a parent task for T1867: Write JSON Objects for ServPulse API: T1837: Create Index page.
inidal renamed M15: ServPulse - Database (Schema) from Status Page - Database (Draft) to Status Page - Database (Schema).
inidal renamed M15: ServPulse - Database (Schema) from Status Page - Database Draft to Status Page - Database (Draft).
inidal renamed M14: ServPulse - System Design (Draft) from Status Page - Draft System Design to Status Page - System Design (Draft).
inidal renamed M14: ServPulse - System Design (Draft) from Status Page Draft System Design to Status Page - Draft System Design.
inidal renamed M15: ServPulse - Database (Schema) from Status Page Database Draft to Status Page - Database Draft.
inidal renamed M16: ServPulse - Index (Wireframe) from Status Page — Index (Wireframe) to Status Page - Index (Wireframe).
In T1848#27049, @dereckson wrote:So, one of the best candidate from the brainstorming is ServPulse.
inidal renamed M16: ServPulse - Index (Wireframe) from Index page (Wireframe) to Status Page — Index (Wireframe).
May 12 2023
May 12 2023
dereckson committed rOPS7b3782f0004a: Create datacube for Dereckson backups on devserver (authored by dereckson).
Create datacube for Dereckson backups on devserver
To restore Mumble jail:
- boot Thrayce (
- zfs import arcology if needed (kldload opensolaris and kldload zfs if ZFS isn't available at boot)
- Mumble jail is available at /usr/local/jails/mumble.nasqueron.org
To restore FTP content:
- boot Thrayce (
- zfs import arcology if needed (kldload opensolaris and kldload zfs if ZFS isn't available at boot)
- FTP content will be available at /usr/local/jails/ftp.nasqueron.org/var/ftp
dereckson committed rOPS4be77e9a68a3: Create datacube for xcombelle on devserver role (authored by dereckson).
Create datacube for xcombelle on devserver role
Snapshots work fine:
dereckson committed rOPS896aaab5d71d: Read datacube information from pillar (authored by dereckson).
Read datacube information from pillar
/datacube subdirs are correctly no-op:
Restore {{ tank }}/datacube
dereckson added a revision to T1537: Migrate 2017 Ysul content to Windriver : D3087: Read datacube information from pillar.
dereckson renamed T1537: Migrate 2017 Ysul content to Windriver from Give access to Ysul /datacube content to Migrate 2017 Ysul content to Windriver .
dereckson closed T1866: Core dotfiles must be provisioned after user creation as Resolved by committing rOPScdb89bc4b192: Copy user dotfiles AFTER user creation in core role.
dereckson committed rOPScdb89bc4b192: Copy user dotfiles AFTER user creation in core role (authored by dereckson).
Copy user dotfiles AFTER user creation in core role
dereckson moved T1864: On FreeBSD 13.2, portsnap fetch refuses to work in non interactive mode from Backlog to Bug and issues on the Salt board.
dereckson moved T1865: pam_nologin.so isn't available in FreeBSD 13.2 from Backlog to Bug and issues on the Salt board.
dereckson triaged T1864: On FreeBSD 13.2, portsnap fetch refuses to work in non interactive mode as High priority.
dereckson removed a subtask for T1536: Provision a new development server: T1555: Investigate portsearch -u on FreeBSD.
dereckson removed a parent task for T1555: Investigate portsearch -u on FreeBSD: T1536: Provision a new development server.
dereckson closed T1560: Setup crontab on devserver role for dereckson as Resolved by committing rOPS599a22045cca: Deploy crontabon devserver role.
dereckson closed T1560: Setup crontab on devserver role for dereckson, a subtask of T1536: Provision a new development server, as Resolved.
Deploy crontabon devserver role
Remove test section
The portsearch database seems to work despite that issue, so decreasing the priority.
May 11 2023
May 11 2023
So, one of the best candidate from the brainstorming is ServPulse.
dereckson moved T1561: Allow igal2 to operate with ImageMagick 7 from Blocked to Not for this sprint on the Operations sprints (Consolidate them all) board.
According https://imagemagick.org/script/porting.php:
dereckson moved T1863: Restore api.wolfplex.org from Backlog to Backlog - Alkane/Webservers on the Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion) board.
dereckson committed rSAASMW24a6e057dc64: Enable Bulletin: and Event: for Wolfplex wiki search (authored by dereckson).
Enable Bulletin: and Event: for Wolfplex wiki search
Fix indent
Respect wgNamespacesToBeSearchedDefault syntax
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