rVIPER contains parsing code for the FANTOIR database, a database with all streets, ways, private lots, and "pseudo-voies" like metro stations in France.
FANTOIR is the "fichier des voies et lieux-dits" produced by the DGFiP, a French administration with finance as a core mission.
The database uses a text file, where each line is a record, and information is located between characters ... and ..., a format difficult to work with:
ENEVERS 2022110120223060000000 010 AIN 00000000000000 00000000000000 010001 WL'ABERGEMENT-CLEMENCIAT N 3 000082500000000000000 00000001987001 010001A008WLOT BELLEVUE N 3 0 00000000000000 00000002001351 000592 BELLEVUE 010001A015DLOT LES CHARMILLES N 3 0 00000000000000 00000001998274 000562 CHARMILL 010001A025PLOT LES COQUELICOTS N 3 0 00000000000000 00000001999300 000572 COQUELIC 010001A028TLOT LES LILAS N 3 0 00000000000000 00000002001025 000582 LILAS 010001A030VLOT MUNETVILLE N 3 0 00000000000000 00000001991302 000522 MUNETVIL 010001A035ALOT LES MURIERS N 3 0 00000000000000 00000002003352 000602 MURIERS 010001A100WLOT LES TROIS CHENES N 3 0 00000000000000 00000001996150 000552 CHENES
Documentation of the format is available at https://data.economie.gouv.fr/api/datasets/1.0/fichier-fantoir-des-voies-et-lieux-dits/attachments/descriptif_du_fichier_national_fantoir_pdf
We'd like to modernize that dataset to exploit it furthermore.
Plan is currently:
- Import data from this file in a relational database
- Build a pipeline (DAG workflow?) to import fresh data when a new file is released
- See if we can enrich data from Wikidata, OSM, BAN, BANO or other sources
PostgreSQL has been picked as:
- Good feeling to use PostgreSQL from the Rust ecosystem (first idea was to use Diesel, but as an ORM isn't especially needed here, we use sqlx)
- Fast search on a name of a way, with trigram indexes
This task focus on dataset building, ie create a PostgreSQL database with all information and tooling to update data in it.
Next steps
From there, several things can be done:
- Create a front-end to search it
- Distribute JSON or XML files with rich information split by department
- Help Wikidata do detect disparities between the values in FANTOIR file values on Wikidata elements.
- Add PostgreSQL support to rVIPER to use our dataset instead of the text file