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Feb 14 2020

dereckson added a subtask for T1595: Reprovision Dwellers through Salt: T1351: Review network configuration for Dwellers.
Feb 14 2020, 17:16 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson created T1595: Reprovision Dwellers through Salt.
Feb 14 2020, 17:12 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson added a comment to T1592: Upgrade Docker engines to CentOS 8.1.

Dwellers will use CentOS 8 Stream, to stay up to date in a rolling fashion.

Feb 14 2020, 16:27 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson added a comment to T1594: Acquisitariat and Etherpad issue.

The option is the same for Etherpad and DevCentral:

Feb 14 2020, 15:52 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Vault, security, Nasqueron Docker deployment squad
dereckson added a project to T1594: Acquisitariat and Etherpad issue: Operations sprints (Consolidate them all).
Feb 14 2020, 15:44 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Vault, security, Nasqueron Docker deployment squad
dereckson updated the task description for T1592: Upgrade Docker engines to CentOS 8.1.
Feb 14 2020, 15:11 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson closed T1593: Fix SLS id confflict, a subtask of T1592: Upgrade Docker engines to CentOS 8.1, as Resolved.
Feb 14 2020, 03:58 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson closed T1593: Fix SLS id confflict as Resolved by committing rOPS044e8828b0ea: Ensure SLS IDs are unique.
Feb 14 2020, 03:58 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson added a revision to T1593: Fix SLS id confflict: D2209: Ensure SLS IDs are unique.
Feb 14 2020, 03:57 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson triaged T1593: Fix SLS id confflict as Normal priority.
Feb 14 2020, 03:36 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson added a revision to T1592: Upgrade Docker engines to CentOS 8.1: D2208: Allow connections between Docker containers.
Feb 14 2020, 02:28 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson moved T1523: Upgrade Ysul to FreeBSD 12.1 from Working on to Pending review on the Operations sprints (Consolidate them all) board.
Feb 14 2020, 01:50 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson moved T1592: Upgrade Docker engines to CentOS 8.1 from Backlog to Working on on the Operations sprints (Consolidate them all) board.
Feb 14 2020, 01:50 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson updated the task description for T1592: Upgrade Docker engines to CentOS 8.1.
Feb 14 2020, 01:50 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson added a revision to T1592: Upgrade Docker engines to CentOS 8.1: D2207: Install Python Docker library through pip.
Feb 14 2020, 01:46 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson added a revision to T1559: Figure how to deploy automatically /var/51-wwwroot credentials: D2206: WIP: improve wwwroot 51 clone repository.
Feb 14 2020, 01:39 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Vault, Servers
dereckson updated the task description for T1592: Upgrade Docker engines to CentOS 8.1.
Feb 14 2020, 01:32 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson updated the task description for T1592: Upgrade Docker engines to CentOS 8.1.
Feb 14 2020, 01:28 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson added a revision to T1592: Upgrade Docker engines to CentOS 8.1: D2205: Allow nginx to access container_file_t certificates on Docker engines.
Feb 14 2020, 01:09 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson updated the task description for T1592: Upgrade Docker engines to CentOS 8.1.
Feb 14 2020, 01:06 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson triaged T1592: Upgrade Docker engines to CentOS 8.1 as Normal priority.
Feb 14 2020, 01:04 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)

Feb 12 2020

dereckson added a comment to T1523: Upgrade Ysul to FreeBSD 12.1.

Kernel upgraded do 12.1-p2.

Feb 12 2020, 14:40 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson updated subscribers of T1590: Eglide SWAP is very low.

The event triggered the consume of all RAM is probably the @MaxChan eggdrop.

Feb 12 2020, 14:10 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Eglide, Servers
dereckson closed T1590: Eglide SWAP is very low as Resolved by committing rOPS51b42a7711de: Create swap file if no swap partition exist.
Feb 12 2020, 14:05 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Eglide, Servers
dereckson updated the task description for T1590: Eglide SWAP is very low.
Feb 12 2020, 03:40 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Eglide, Servers
dereckson moved T1590: Eglide SWAP is very low from Backlog to Pending review on the Operations sprints (Consolidate them all) board.
Feb 12 2020, 03:40 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Eglide, Servers
dereckson added a revision to T1590: Eglide SWAP is very low: D2204: Create swap file if no swap partition exist.
Feb 12 2020, 02:44 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Eglide, Servers

Feb 11 2020

dereckson updated the task description for T1590: Eglide SWAP is very low.
Feb 11 2020, 23:28 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Eglide, Servers
dereckson updated the task description for T1590: Eglide SWAP is very low.
Feb 11 2020, 22:55 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Eglide, Servers
dereckson triaged T1590: Eglide SWAP is very low as High priority.
Feb 11 2020, 22:50 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Eglide, Servers

Feb 10 2020

dereckson moved T1561: Allow igal2 to operate with ImageMagick 7 from Working on to Blocked on the Operations sprints (Consolidate them all) board.

As the port is maintained, the best course of action is to send a patch for this port upstream.

Feb 10 2020, 22:24 · upstream, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Technical debt, Servers, freebsd-port-wanted
dereckson added a comment to T1561: Allow igal2 to operate with ImageMagick 7.

Works fine on WindRiver with ImageMagick 7 and Wikimedia Commons pictures of the day from February 2020 as test:

Feb 10 2020, 22:23 · upstream, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Technical debt, Servers, freebsd-port-wanted
dereckson added a comment to T1561: Allow igal2 to operate with ImageMagick 7.

We can wait upstream updates for the ImageMagick 7 API, especially as upstream was active in November 2019.

Feb 10 2020, 15:55 · upstream, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Technical debt, Servers, freebsd-port-wanted
dereckson updated the task description for T1561: Allow igal2 to operate with ImageMagick 7.
Feb 10 2020, 15:34 · upstream, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Technical debt, Servers, freebsd-port-wanted
dereckson updated the task description for T1561: Allow igal2 to operate with ImageMagick 7.
Feb 10 2020, 15:33 · upstream, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Technical debt, Servers, freebsd-port-wanted
dereckson updated the task description for T1561: Allow igal2 to operate with ImageMagick 7.
Feb 10 2020, 15:31 · upstream, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Technical debt, Servers, freebsd-port-wanted
dereckson closed T1541: Setup ports and src on FreeBSD through Salt, a subtask of T1536: Provision a new development server, as Resolved.
Feb 10 2020, 14:16 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson closed T1541: Setup ports and src on FreeBSD through Salt as Resolved.

D2203 takes care of the automatic update.

Feb 10 2020, 14:16 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson added a revision to T1541: Setup ports and src on FreeBSD through Salt: D2203: Configure periodic tasks on FreeBSD.
Feb 10 2020, 14:08 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson moved T1541: Setup ports and src on FreeBSD through Salt from Backlog to Working on on the Servers board.
Feb 10 2020, 13:43 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson reopened T1541: Setup ports and src on FreeBSD through Salt, a subtask of T1536: Provision a new development server, as Open.
Feb 10 2020, 13:43 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson reopened T1541: Setup ports and src on FreeBSD through Salt as "Open".

There is currently no auto update for ports tree:

Feb 10 2020, 13:43 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson added a comment to T1523: Upgrade Ysul to FreeBSD 12.1.

Upgraded to last 12.0 version, 12.0-p13.

Feb 10 2020, 13:40 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson moved T1561: Allow igal2 to operate with ImageMagick 7 from Backlog to Working on on the Operations sprints (Consolidate them all) board.
Feb 10 2020, 13:21 · upstream, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Technical debt, Servers, freebsd-port-wanted
dereckson moved T1523: Upgrade Ysul to FreeBSD 12.1 from Backlog to Working on on the Operations sprints (Consolidate them all) board.
Feb 10 2020, 13:21 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers

Feb 9 2020

dereckson closed T1589: Generate /usr/local/etc/nanorc, a subtask of T1536: Provision a new development server, as Resolved.
Feb 9 2020, 20:19 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson closed T1589: Generate /usr/local/etc/nanorc as Resolved by committing rOPSd5d444cc1f7f: Generate Nano configuration.
Feb 9 2020, 20:19 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson added a revision to T1589: Generate /usr/local/etc/nanorc: D2202: Generate Nano configuration.
Feb 9 2020, 20:16 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson triaged T1589: Generate /usr/local/etc/nanorc as High priority.
Feb 9 2020, 20:05 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson closed T1587: Create a timeline of the Openfire releases as Resolved.
Feb 9 2020, 16:41 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Nasqueron Tools, XMPP
dereckson added a revision to T1587: Create a timeline of the Openfire releases: D2199: Publish Openfire releases timeline.
Feb 9 2020, 16:30 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Nasqueron Tools, XMPP
dereckson updated the task description for T1587: Create a timeline of the Openfire releases.
Feb 9 2020, 16:29 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Nasqueron Tools, XMPP
dereckson added a revision to T1588: Publish timeknots library in assets: D2198: Bump assets.n.o to 834ec5336c33.
Feb 9 2020, 16:02 ·, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Nasqueron Tools
dereckson added a revision to T1587: Create a timeline of the Openfire releases: D2198: Bump assets.n.o to 834ec5336c33.
Feb 9 2020, 16:02 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Nasqueron Tools, XMPP
dereckson closed T1588: Publish timeknots library in assets, a subtask of T1587: Create a timeline of the Openfire releases, as Resolved.
Feb 9 2020, 16:00 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Nasqueron Tools, XMPP
dereckson closed T1588: Publish timeknots library in assets as Resolved by committing rASSETS834ec5336c33: Import timeknots library.
Feb 9 2020, 16:00 ·, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Nasqueron Tools
dereckson added a revision to T1588: Publish timeknots library in assets: D2197: Import timeknots library.
Feb 9 2020, 15:57 ·, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Nasqueron Tools
dereckson triaged T1588: Publish timeknots library in assets as Normal priority.
Feb 9 2020, 15:52 ·, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Nasqueron Tools
dereckson added a parent task for T1586: Publish /datasources API: T1587: Create a timeline of the Openfire releases.
Feb 9 2020, 15:51 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), XMPP, Nasqueron Tools
dereckson added a subtask for T1587: Create a timeline of the Openfire releases: T1586: Publish /datasources API.
Feb 9 2020, 15:51 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Nasqueron Tools, XMPP
dereckson triaged T1587: Create a timeline of the Openfire releases as Normal priority.
Feb 9 2020, 15:50 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Nasqueron Tools, XMPP
dereckson closed T1586: Publish /datasources API as Resolved.

Works fine:

Feb 9 2020, 14:28 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), XMPP, Nasqueron Tools

Feb 8 2020

dereckson closed T563: Remap DevCentral namespace as Resolved.
$ select count(*) from phabricator_maniphest.maniphest_task_ffield WHERE rawCorpus LIKE '%CU3mWvTbYHiMty2L43sg9NkIvltow6n05ZBb9OYWJXkgfGr7TgjdTFrPtWEQ%';
| count(*) |
|        0 |
1 row in set (0.10 sec)
Feb 8 2020, 19:59 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), DevCentral, Nasqueron Docker deployment squad
dereckson moved T563: Remap DevCentral namespace from Backlog to Pending review on the Nasqueron Docker deployment squad board.
Feb 8 2020, 19:54 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), DevCentral, Nasqueron Docker deployment squad
dereckson moved T563: Remap DevCentral namespace from Working on to Pending review on the Operations sprints (Consolidate them all) board.
Feb 8 2020, 19:54 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), DevCentral, Nasqueron Docker deployment squad
dereckson added a comment to T563: Remap DevCentral namespace.

Done. Tested through CU3mWvTbYHiMty2L43sg9NkIvltow6n05ZBb9OYWJXkgfGr7TgjdTFrPtWEQ added in db to be sure we're live on devcentral_ prefix.

Feb 8 2020, 19:46 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), DevCentral, Nasqueron Docker deployment squad
dereckson claimed T563: Remap DevCentral namespace.

Still to do, let's go.

Feb 8 2020, 18:41 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), DevCentral, Nasqueron Docker deployment squad
dereckson moved T563: Remap DevCentral namespace from Pending review to Working on on the Operations sprints (Consolidate them all) board.
Feb 8 2020, 18:40 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), DevCentral, Nasqueron Docker deployment squad
dereckson closed T1580: Deploy ACME-specific DNS server as Resolved.
Feb 8 2020, 18:39 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), DNS, security, Servers

Feb 6 2020

dereckson added a revision to T1586: Publish /datasources API: D2193: Add /datasources to homepage.
Feb 6 2020, 13:02 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), XMPP, Nasqueron Tools
dereckson added a revision to T1586: Publish /datasources API: D2190: Trust proxy for HTTP/HTTPS forwarded protocol.
Feb 6 2020, 12:52 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), XMPP, Nasqueron Tools
dereckson added a revision to T1586: Publish /datasources API: D2189: Fix mounting point for nginx proxy.
Feb 6 2020, 10:09 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), XMPP, Nasqueron Tools
dereckson added a revision to T1586: Publish /datasources API: D2188: Publish Docker image.
Feb 6 2020, 01:06 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), XMPP, Nasqueron Tools
dereckson added a revision to T1586: Publish /datasources API: D2187: Serve Nasqueron datasources API.
Feb 6 2020, 00:45 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), XMPP, Nasqueron Tools
dereckson added a revision to T1586: Publish /datasources API: D2186: Initial release.
Feb 6 2020, 00:43 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), XMPP, Nasqueron Tools
dereckson added a project to T1586: Publish /datasources API: Operations sprints (Consolidate them all).
Feb 6 2020, 00:42 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), XMPP, Nasqueron Tools

Feb 5 2020

dereckson added a project to T1583: Enable XMPP over TLS: Operations sprints (Consolidate them all).
Feb 5 2020, 11:04 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), XMPP, Servers

Feb 4 2020

dereckson added a revision to T1580: Deploy ACME-specific DNS server: D2181: Allow certbot to use on Docker engines.
Feb 4 2020, 22:22 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), DNS, security, Servers
dereckson added a comment to T1580: Deploy ACME-specific DNS server.

The server works fine. Next step is to integrate Certbot or any other client with it and create relevant CNAMEs.

Feb 4 2020, 20:07 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), DNS, security, Servers
dereckson added a revision to T1580: Deploy ACME-specific DNS server: D2180: Provide homepage for ACME DNS Server.
Feb 4 2020, 19:58 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), DNS, security, Servers
dereckson added a revision to T1580: Deploy ACME-specific DNS server: D2179: Restrict access to ACME DNS.
Feb 4 2020, 19:29 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), DNS, security, Servers
dereckson added a comment to T1580: Deploy ACME-specific DNS server.

Server is deployed on Equatower.

Feb 4 2020, 18:11 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), DNS, security, Servers
dereckson added a revision to T1580: Deploy ACME-specific DNS server: D2178: Provide nginx configuration for ACME DNS.
Feb 4 2020, 17:49 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), DNS, security, Servers
dereckson added a revision to T1580: Deploy ACME-specific DNS server: D2177: Serve DNS.
Feb 4 2020, 16:15 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), DNS, security, Servers
dereckson moved T1580: Deploy ACME-specific DNS server from Backlog to Working on on the Operations sprints (Consolidate them all) board.
Feb 4 2020, 15:03 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), DNS, security, Servers
dereckson added a project to T1580: Deploy ACME-specific DNS server: Operations sprints (Consolidate them all).
Feb 4 2020, 15:03 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), DNS, security, Servers

Jan 31 2020

dereckson added a comment to T1559: Figure how to deploy automatically /var/51-wwwroot credentials.

It seems it's also possible to store the deploy key on the master, as long as it's fine to copy it to the server:

Jan 31 2020, 11:33 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Vault, Servers

Jan 28 2020

dereckson created T1578: Publish phan wrapper.
Jan 28 2020, 07:56 · Servers, Continous integration and delivery, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson added projects to T1578: Publish phan wrapper: Continous integration and delivery, Servers.
Jan 28 2020, 07:56 · Servers, Continous integration and delivery, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)

Jan 25 2020

dereckson added a comment to T1559: Figure how to deploy automatically /var/51-wwwroot credentials.

D2151 works well, but there are two issues:

Jan 25 2020, 09:36 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Vault, Servers
dereckson moved T1559: Figure how to deploy automatically /var/51-wwwroot credentials from Backlog to Closed tasks to revisit on the Vault board.
Jan 25 2020, 04:27 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Vault, Servers
dereckson added a project to T1559: Figure how to deploy automatically /var/51-wwwroot credentials: Operations sprints (Consolidate them all).
Jan 25 2020, 04:26 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Vault, Servers
dereckson updated the task description for T1569: Deploy account is defined in saltmaster role but used in devserver role too.
Jan 25 2020, 04:13 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Technical debt, Salt
dereckson added a parent task for T1565: Don't install PhantomJS anymore on devserver role: T1536: Provision a new development server.
Jan 25 2020, 02:01 · Servers, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson added subtasks for T1536: Provision a new development server: T1573: Set access rights for private staging repository submodules, T1572: Group deploy doesn't exist for saltmaster, T1571: Create required Salt directories in saltmaster role, T1570: py36-python-jenkins package doesn't exist, T1565: Don't install PhantomJS anymore on devserver role.
Jan 25 2020, 02:00 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson added a parent task for T1572: Group deploy doesn't exist for saltmaster: T1536: Provision a new development server.
Jan 25 2020, 02:00 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson added a parent task for T1573: Set access rights for private staging repository submodules: T1536: Provision a new development server.
Jan 25 2020, 02:00 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson added a parent task for T1570: py36-python-jenkins package doesn't exist: T1536: Provision a new development server.
Jan 25 2020, 02:00 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson added a parent task for T1571: Create required Salt directories in saltmaster role: T1536: Provision a new development server.
Jan 25 2020, 02:00 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson added a comment to T1536: Provision a new development server.

Roles core and saltmaster have been successfully fixed and applied.

Jan 25 2020, 02:00 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers