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Print on #tasacora and #nasqueron-ops relevant messages about Jenkins tasks
Closed, ResolvedPublic

Event Timeline

Batch added relevant MQ tasks to new Message queues project.

This task has been identified as suitable for the December product backlog for infrastructure. It's included in our product backlog and will be discussed for inclusion to sprint backlog this E3 meeting.

dereckson moved this task from Backlog to Working on on the Message queues board.
dereckson moved this task from Sprint backlog to Working on on the Operations sprint 0 board.

As said in T579, we have two approach:

(1) We create a Jenkins gate and relevant events pipeline in the notifications center, and use a Jenkins to HTTP plugin

(2) We create a plugin to publish directly to the broker JSON messages in the relevant notifications format.

Format for JSON notification messages

    "service": "Jenkins",
    "project": "Nasqueron",
    "group": "docker",
    "rawContent": "",
    "type": "job-done",
    "text": "The job ... has been done.",
    "link": "<url of the log>"

Let's take a shorcut.

Jenkins notifies GitHub about jobs. GitHub then fires 'status' event.

Status support added to notification center:

This gives:

20:59:25 < Wearg> Build #21 in progress... — deploy-website-nasqueron-www1-docker —
20:59:25 < Wearg> Build #21 succeeded in 2 sec — deploy-website-nasqueron-www1-docker —