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Allow Dæghrefn to consume messages from the broker
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Currently, our notification center code sends message to broker.

We need Dæghrefn to connect to this broker and get messages.

Note: we want it able to connect to several channels, one for exchange, and probably others to publish too.

Event Timeline

dereckson claimed this task.
dereckson raised the priority of this task from to Normal.
dereckson updated the task description. (Show Details)
dereckson added a subscriber: dereckson.

Added an user daeghrefn on white-rabbit, with a password stored in Dæghrefn registry at key broker.password.

dereckson renamed this task from Install an AMQP client for Dæghrefn to Allow Dæghrefn to consume messages from the broker.Dec 7 2015, 03:41


  • an undocumented library exists, but it's not totally async


  • two libraries are tested: tStomp from Siemens and stomp from E. Frécon
  • itcl-3.4.1,1 installed on Ysul as tStomp dep

Stomp has a weird reconnect behavior, so ::stomp::client::connect isn't async but in foreground. A try to connect to an not existing server returned a client variable after 3 minutes, then the environment weren't responsive.

I'm now testing tStomp.

There is a nice C library for AMQP, rabbitmq-c.

I'm writing a wrapper for this library as a TCL extension.