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Sep 22 2020

dereckson triaged T1622: Install Kubernetes as High priority.
Sep 22 2020, 01:44 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson triaged T1621: Prepare a more flexible containers platform as High priority.
Sep 22 2020, 01:41 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson closed T824: Tests for SuEXEC on Ysul as Resolved.

Code added in 2016 and pruned in 2018, as we don't use it anymore. So all is fine.

Sep 22 2020, 01:03 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson added a revision to T824: Tests for SuEXEC on Ysul: D1826: Don't test Apache on Ysul anymore.
Sep 22 2020, 01:02 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson claimed T824: Tests for SuEXEC on Ysul.
Sep 22 2020, 00:59 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson moved T1594: Acquisitariat and Etherpad issue from Backlog to Blocked on the Operations sprints (Consolidate them all) board.
Sep 22 2020, 00:57 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Vault, security, Nasqueron Docker deployment squad
dereckson added a comment to T1594: Acquisitariat and Etherpad issue.

All the quoted containers are priority candidates to be moved to Kubernetes cluster.

Sep 22 2020, 00:57 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Vault, security, Nasqueron Docker deployment squad
dereckson triaged T1594: Acquisitariat and Etherpad issue as Low priority.
Sep 22 2020, 00:56 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Vault, security, Nasqueron Docker deployment squad
dereckson removed a project from T1620: Decide if we keep staging repository: good-first-issue.
Sep 22 2020, 00:55 · discussion, documentation, Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson triaged T1620: Decide if we keep staging repository as High priority.
Sep 22 2020, 00:55 · discussion, documentation, Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson added a comment to T1600: Automate staging commit craft.

I wonder if we'll keep rSTAGING.

Sep 22 2020, 00:44 · documentation, good-first-issue, Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson moved T1600: Automate staging commit craft from Backlog to Not for this sprint on the Operations sprints (Consolidate them all) board.
Sep 22 2020, 00:44 · documentation, good-first-issue, Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson moved T1599: Install TLS wildcard certificates for nginx fallback vhost from Backlog to Not for this sprint on the Operations sprints (Consolidate them all) board.
Sep 22 2020, 00:43 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Servers
dereckson moved T731: Configure docker autocompletion on Dwellers from Backlog to Not for this sprint on the Operations sprints (Consolidate them all) board.
Sep 22 2020, 00:41 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), User-Sandlayth, CLI, Servers, Nasqueron Docker deployment squad

Sep 21 2020

dereckson added a comment to T1558: Deploy correctly git-achievements.

The correct course of action is to:

Sep 21 2020, 23:42 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson added a parent task for T1521: Restrict MySQL access: T1619: Connect all baremetal servers to Drake network.
Sep 21 2020, 23:34 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), security, Servers
dereckson added a subtask for T1619: Connect all baremetal servers to Drake network: T1521: Restrict MySQL access.
Sep 21 2020, 23:34 · Servers, Drake network, security, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson moved T1619: Connect all baremetal servers to Drake network from Backlog to Pending review on the Operations sprints (Consolidate them all) board.
Sep 21 2020, 23:34 · Servers, Drake network, security, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson added a comment to T1595: Reprovision Dwellers through Salt.

We'll revisit this after Kubernetes cluster is ready, as that will drastically change the scope of Dwellers (development and build server for Docker images).

Sep 21 2020, 23:33 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson added a comment to T1244: Saltize default iptables for Dwellers.

We'll revisit this after Kubernetes cluster is ready, as that will drastically change the scope of Dwellers (development and build server for Docker images).

Sep 21 2020, 23:33 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson closed T1523: Upgrade Ysul to FreeBSD 12.1 as Resolved.

Ysul at 12.1-RELEASE-p2 everywhere.

Sep 21 2020, 23:33 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson moved T1595: Reprovision Dwellers through Salt from Blocked to Not for this sprint on the Operations sprints (Consolidate them all) board.
Sep 21 2020, 23:32 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson moved T1244: Saltize default iptables for Dwellers from Blocked to Not for this sprint on the Operations sprints (Consolidate them all) board.
Sep 21 2020, 23:32 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson moved T1244: Saltize default iptables for Dwellers from Pending review to Blocked on the Operations sprints (Consolidate them all) board.
Sep 21 2020, 23:32 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson closed T1592: Upgrade Docker engines to CentOS 8.1 as Resolved.

According /etc/os-release, all are now using CentOS 8.

Sep 21 2020, 23:31 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson moved T1595: Reprovision Dwellers through Salt from Working on to Blocked on the Operations sprints (Consolidate them all) board.
Sep 21 2020, 23:30 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)

Sep 20 2020

dereckson added a revision to T1619: Connect all baremetal servers to Drake network: D2303: Create GRE tunnel between WindRiver and Ysul.
Sep 20 2020, 00:59 · Servers, Drake network, security, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson triaged T1619: Connect all baremetal servers to Drake network as Normal priority.
Sep 20 2020, 00:57 · Servers, Drake network, security, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)

Jun 3 2020

dereckson added a revision to T1616: Build a bastion - load balancers - private instances network topology: D2293: Provide a PaaS front-end role.
Jun 3 2020, 17:43 · security, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson added a parent task for T1616: Build a bastion - load balancers - private instances network topology: Unknown Object (Maniphest Task).
Jun 3 2020, 17:37 · security, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson triaged T1616: Build a bastion - load balancers - private instances network topology as Normal priority.
Jun 3 2020, 17:36 · security, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)

Feb 29 2020

dereckson closed T1604: Provision shell command to devserver role as Invalid.
Feb 29 2020, 14:22 · Servers, Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson added a comment to T1604: Provision shell command to devserver role.

It's already committed as eec9c1bf.

Feb 29 2020, 14:20 · Servers, Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson updated the task description for T1547: Consolidate DevCentral Docker image.
Feb 29 2020, 14:18 · User-Dereckson, DevCentral, Servers, Technical debt, Nasqueron Docker deployment squad, Docker images
dereckson merged T100: Prepare volume and backup for into T1547: Consolidate DevCentral Docker image.
Feb 29 2020, 14:14 · User-Dereckson, DevCentral, Servers, Technical debt, Nasqueron Docker deployment squad, Docker images
dereckson updated the task description for T1547: Consolidate DevCentral Docker image.
Feb 29 2020, 14:14 · User-Dereckson, DevCentral, Servers, Technical debt, Nasqueron Docker deployment squad, Docker images
dereckson added projects to T1604: Provision shell command to devserver role: Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Salt, Servers.
Feb 29 2020, 14:13 · Servers, Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson added projects to T1547: Consolidate DevCentral Docker image: DevCentral, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all).
Feb 29 2020, 14:08 · User-Dereckson, DevCentral, Servers, Technical debt, Nasqueron Docker deployment squad, Docker images

Feb 27 2020

dereckson closed T1598: Rebuild cachet container as Resolved.
Feb 27 2020, 14:44 · Docker images, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson added a revision to T1598: Rebuild cachet container: D2267: Drop empty value for php-fpm environment variable.
Feb 27 2020, 12:18 · Docker images, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson added a revision to T1598: Rebuild cachet container: D2266: Use port 80 for cachet Docker image.
Feb 27 2020, 12:05 · Docker images, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers

Feb 24 2020

dereckson added a revision to T1598: Rebuild cachet container: D2258: Switch from master branch to Cachet 2.4.
Feb 24 2020, 09:56 · Docker images, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers

Feb 23 2020

dereckson moved T1602: Provision ACME DNS credentials for core domains on each servers from Backlog to Pending review on the Operations sprints (Consolidate them all) board.
Feb 23 2020, 12:31 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), security, Servers
dereckson added a revision to T1602: Provision ACME DNS credentials for core domains on each servers: D2249: Allow to update ACME DNS accounts.
Feb 23 2020, 11:40 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), security, Servers
dereckson created T1602: Provision ACME DNS credentials for core domains on each servers.
Feb 23 2020, 11:40 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), security, Servers

Feb 22 2020

dereckson renamed T1601: Install bats on devserver role from Install bats on Ysul to Install bats on devserver role.
Feb 22 2020, 08:42 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson added a project to T1601: Install bats on devserver role: Operations sprints (Consolidate them all).
Feb 22 2020, 08:30 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson updated the task description for T1595: Reprovision Dwellers through Salt.
Feb 22 2020, 04:14 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson added a revision to T1595: Reprovision Dwellers through Salt: D2248: Install jq on Dwellers.
Feb 22 2020, 02:53 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)

Feb 21 2020

dereckson added a comment to T1599: Install TLS wildcard certificates for nginx fallback vhost.

Done manually for testing on Dwellers, but this creates the question about how to manage the wildcard certificates: should we share account and provision them in the acme config files on each server? does acme would follow several cname with contradictory information?

Feb 21 2020, 17:52 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Servers
dereckson updated the task description for T1600: Automate staging commit craft.
Feb 21 2020, 17:43 · documentation, good-first-issue, Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson updated the task description for T1600: Automate staging commit craft.
Feb 21 2020, 17:42 · documentation, good-first-issue, Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson added a comment to T1600: Automate staging commit craft.

Requires py37-GitPython (map.jinja offers a packages dictionary to get the py37- prefix)

Feb 21 2020, 17:40 · documentation, good-first-issue, Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson moved T1600: Automate staging commit craft from Backlog to Ops on the good-first-issue board.
Feb 21 2020, 17:34 · documentation, good-first-issue, Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson created T1600: Automate staging commit craft.
Feb 21 2020, 17:34 · documentation, good-first-issue, Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers

Feb 20 2020

dereckson added a revision to T1598: Rebuild cachet container: D2238: Migrate to PHP 7.
Feb 20 2020, 06:55 · Docker images, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson added projects to T1599: Install TLS wildcard certificates for nginx fallback vhost: Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers.
Feb 20 2020, 03:27 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Servers

Feb 19 2020

dereckson added a project to T1598: Rebuild cachet container: Docker images.
Feb 19 2020, 04:04 · Docker images, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson added a project to T1598: Rebuild cachet container: Operations sprints (Consolidate them all).
Feb 19 2020, 03:37 · Docker images, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson added a revision to T1595: Reprovision Dwellers through Salt: D2228: Provide PaaS Docker nginx base content.
Feb 19 2020, 00:38 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)

Feb 18 2020

dereckson added a revision to T1595: Reprovision Dwellers through Salt: D2227: Provide PaaS Docker nginx default vhosts.
Feb 18 2020, 21:06 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson added a revision to T1595: Reprovision Dwellers through Salt: D2225: Provide nginx TLS configuration on PaaS Docker.
Feb 18 2020, 06:32 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson updated the task description for T1595: Reprovision Dwellers through Salt.
Feb 18 2020, 06:12 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson updated the task description for T1595: Reprovision Dwellers through Salt.
Feb 18 2020, 06:07 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson moved T1595: Reprovision Dwellers through Salt from Backlog to Services to add on the Salt board.
Feb 18 2020, 06:05 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson added a project to T1595: Reprovision Dwellers through Salt: Salt.
Feb 18 2020, 06:05 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson renamed T1595: Reprovision Dwellers through Salt from Reprovision Dwellers to Reprovision Dwellers through Salt.
Feb 18 2020, 06:05 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson updated the task description for T1595: Reprovision Dwellers through Salt.
Feb 18 2020, 06:05 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson updated the task description for T1595: Reprovision Dwellers through Salt.
Feb 18 2020, 05:17 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson added a revision to T1595: Reprovision Dwellers through Salt: D2224: Provide nginx base configuration.
Feb 18 2020, 04:27 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson added a revision to T1595: Reprovision Dwellers through Salt: D2223: Install nginx on PaaS Docker servers.
Feb 18 2020, 03:06 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson moved T1597: Review PURL URLs from Backlog to Blocked on the Operations sprints (Consolidate them all) board.
Feb 18 2020, 02:51 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson triaged T1597: Review PURL URLs as High priority.
Feb 18 2020, 02:49 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)

Feb 17 2020

dereckson added a revision to T1595: Reprovision Dwellers through Salt: D2221: Create docker group on Dwellers.
Feb 17 2020, 02:00 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)

Feb 16 2020

dereckson closed T1034: Switch from root@ SSH login to sudo capabilities on every server as Resolved.
Feb 16 2020, 04:23 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers, Eglide
dereckson added a revision to T1595: Reprovision Dwellers through Salt: D2220: WIP: Install Docker development tools on Dwellers.
Feb 16 2020, 03:32 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson added a revision to T1034: Switch from root@ SSH login to sudo capabilities on every server: D2219: Don't allow direct login as root through SSH.
Feb 16 2020, 03:30 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers, Eglide
dereckson added a project to T635: Add a VCS informative prompt to `arc shell`: Operations sprints (Consolidate them all).

zsh + starship looks a good solution too, but it's not packaged for Debian.

Feb 16 2020, 03:28 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Docker images
dereckson moved T824: Tests for SuEXEC on Ysul from Backlog to Pending review on the Operations sprints (Consolidate them all) board.
Feb 16 2020, 03:25 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson added a project to T824: Tests for SuEXEC on Ysul: Operations sprints (Consolidate them all).

Tests should be extended to development servers and made optional, as we don't currently have an Apache working.

Feb 16 2020, 03:25 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson renamed T1034: Switch from root@ SSH login to sudo capabilities on every server from Switch from root@ SSH login to sudo capabilities on Eglide to Switch from root@ SSH login to sudo capabilities on every server.
Feb 16 2020, 03:17 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers, Eglide
dereckson claimed T1034: Switch from root@ SSH login to sudo capabilities on every server.

So, it works for two years. Let's restrict root login.

Feb 16 2020, 03:17 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers, Eglide

Feb 15 2020

dereckson added a revision to T1595: Reprovision Dwellers through Salt: D2217: Use pillar information for IP and gateway in MOTD.
Feb 15 2020, 00:50 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson added a revision to T1595: Reprovision Dwellers through Salt: D2216: Use net-tools to setup Dwellers IPv6 tunnel.
Feb 15 2020, 00:22 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson added a revision to T1595: Reprovision Dwellers through Salt: D2215: Enable Docker service.
Feb 15 2020, 00:04 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)

Feb 14 2020

dereckson updated the task description for T1595: Reprovision Dwellers through Salt.
Feb 14 2020, 23:58 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson updated the task description for T1595: Reprovision Dwellers through Salt.
Feb 14 2020, 23:58 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson updated the task description for T1595: Reprovision Dwellers through Salt.
Feb 14 2020, 23:56 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson added a revision to T1595: Reprovision Dwellers through Salt: D2214: Ensure pip is installed in order to invoke it.
Feb 14 2020, 21:57 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson added a revision to T1595: Reprovision Dwellers through Salt: D2213: Don't try to install last docker-ce version on CentOS.
Feb 14 2020, 21:21 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson added a revision to T1595: Reprovision Dwellers through Salt: D2212: Ignore containers if zr isn't available.
Feb 14 2020, 21:09 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all)
dereckson merged T1517: load is too heavy into T1478: Improve Dwellers hypervisor configuration.
Feb 14 2020, 17:37 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson merged T309: Review Dwellers' iptables configuration into T1244: Saltize default iptables for Dwellers.
Feb 14 2020, 17:36 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson claimed T744: Recycle containers on Dwellers to mitigate CVE-2015-7547.

Done during the migration to EquaTower and Salt for aphlict cachet devcentral wolfphab acquisitariat etherpad tommy ci silly_bardeen.

Feb 14 2020, 17:35 · security, Nasqueron Docker deployment squad
dereckson updated the task description for T731: Configure docker autocompletion on Dwellers.
Feb 14 2020, 17:33 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), User-Sandlayth, CLI, Servers, Nasqueron Docker deployment squad
dereckson added a comment to T731: Configure docker autocompletion on Dwellers.

Now at

Feb 14 2020, 17:32 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), User-Sandlayth, CLI, Servers, Nasqueron Docker deployment squad
dereckson added projects to T731: Configure docker autocompletion on Dwellers: Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Salt.
Feb 14 2020, 17:30 · Salt, Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), User-Sandlayth, CLI, Servers, Nasqueron Docker deployment squad
dereckson moved T1244: Saltize default iptables for Dwellers from Backlog to Pending review on the Operations sprints (Consolidate them all) board.
Feb 14 2020, 17:29 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson edited projects for T1244: Saltize default iptables for Dwellers, added: Operations sprints (Consolidate them all); removed Operations sprints (The Dreadnought will produce new officers).

Probably fine now we've dropped support for LXC containers, and improved firewalld for Equatower in rOPS9f24b9df2f44.

Feb 14 2020, 17:29 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson claimed T1478: Improve Dwellers hypervisor configuration.
Feb 14 2020, 17:27 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers