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Jun 3 2023
Rebase against main
Some uses since installation:
$ mw shell agora $wgMaxImageArea = 15000000
Jun 2 2023
Plan is to temporarily increase $wgMaxImageArea from 12500000 to 15000000, so we can generate thumbnail for our files.
Jun 1 2023
May 31 2023
What if we plan a brainstorming session where we put cards on a wall, one card per feature we'd like to see on the app?
Not sure each service has an IP, or only an IP. For those we do, what we do with the IP?
In T1842#27788, @dereckson wrote:Can you give an example of what you wish to store as information and how you wish to use it?
Can you give an example of what you wish to store as information and how you wish to use it?
@dereckson hey, we forgot about id addresses, so do you think it would be wise to simply add a new column in the service table?
macOS is the new OS name
I moved my WikiMedia development environment from Ysul to WindRiver, so we can have a faster https://mediawiki.dereckson.be/ to test this.
May 30 2023
In D3160#47888, @Herald wrote:This change touches Wolfplex files. As such, administrative approval is needed from Wolfplex technical contact.