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May 30 2023

dereckson accepted D3160: Configure nginx for webserver-alkane.
May 30 2023, 22:43
dereckson updated the diff for D3160: Configure nginx for webserver-alkane.

Fix for deployment

May 30 2023, 22:36
dereckson requested review of D3160: Configure nginx for webserver-alkane.
May 30 2023, 22:24
dereckson added a revision to T1828: Provide Alkane, Nasqueron PaaS to serve PHP and static sites: D3160: Configure nginx for webserver-alkane.
May 30 2023, 22:24 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Alkane, Servers, User-Dereckson
dereckson closed D3159: Create /var/dataroot for MediaWiki on devserver.
May 30 2023, 21:06
dereckson committed rOPS0ca0a81a25a0: Create /var/dataroot for MediaWiki on devserver (authored by dereckson).
Create /var/dataroot for MediaWiki on devserver
May 30 2023, 21:06
dereckson accepted D3159: Create /var/dataroot for MediaWiki on devserver.
May 30 2023, 21:06
dereckson added a comment to D3159: Create /var/dataroot for MediaWiki on devserver.

First run

May 30 2023, 21:05
dereckson retitled D3159: Create /var/dataroot for MediaWiki on devserver from Create /var/dataroot for MediaWiki on devserver Some services like MediaWiki are managed by Salt, but with a role not available on devserver, with some directories useful on devserver too. For example, we don't currently want on WindRiver a copy... to Create /var/dataroot for MediaWiki on devserver.
May 30 2023, 21:03
dereckson requested review of D3159: Create /var/dataroot for MediaWiki on devserver.
May 30 2023, 20:56
dereckson added a revision to T1536: Provision a new development server: D3159: Create /var/dataroot for MediaWiki on devserver.
May 30 2023, 20:56 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson claimed T1893: Allow to automatically warn about last modified date on Operations grimoire.
May 30 2023, 19:56 · Agora
dereckson created T1893: Allow to automatically warn about last modified date on Operations grimoire.
May 30 2023, 19:56 · Agora
dereckson committed rDRABBITMQ41cfea3ddaac: Restore metrics collector in management plugin (authored by dereckson).
Restore metrics collector in management plugin
May 30 2023, 19:34
dereckson closed D3158: Restore metrics collector in management plugin.
May 30 2023, 19:34
dereckson accepted D3158: Restore metrics collector in management plugin.
May 30 2023, 19:34
dereckson updated the diff for D3158: Restore metrics collector in management plugin.

Update configuration file name

May 30 2023, 19:34
dereckson added a comment to D3158: Restore metrics collector in management plugin.

Regardless of the previous remark on the lack of stability of upstream image, we can currently proceed.

May 30 2023, 19:33
dereckson added a comment to D3158: Restore metrics collector in management plugin.

Hmmm they prioritized the configuration to load in a specific order, so now it's 20-management_agent.disable_metrics_collector.conf

May 30 2023, 19:29
dereckson added inline comments to D3158: Restore metrics collector in management plugin.
May 30 2023, 19:28
dereckson planned changes to D3158: Restore metrics collector in management plugin.
May 30 2023, 19:27
dereckson accepted D3158: Restore metrics collector in management plugin.

Still "Stats in management UI are disabled on this node"

May 30 2023, 19:27
dereckson requested review of D3158: Restore metrics collector in management plugin.
May 30 2023, 19:24
dereckson added a comment to T1850: Move packages from Ysul to WindRiver.

Debian package repository isn't currently a need, but is needed for FreeBSD and Fedora downstreams.

May 30 2023, 19:12 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Alkane, Servers
dereckson updated the task description for T1850: Move packages from Ysul to WindRiver.
May 30 2023, 19:12 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Alkane, Servers
dereckson abandoned D2446: Create dpkg-repository role with woof as base debian package.

Currently abandoned in favour of D3157 in the scope of woof.

May 30 2023, 19:11
dereckson closed D3157: Deploy woof on Debian.
May 30 2023, 19:10
dereckson closed T1644: Install Woof on Debian Bullseye as Resolved by committing rOPS8ba267b63659: Deploy woof on Debian.
May 30 2023, 19:10 · User-Dereckson, Servers, Eglide
dereckson committed rOPS8ba267b63659: Deploy woof on Debian (authored by dereckson).
Deploy woof on Debian
May 30 2023, 19:10
dereckson accepted D3157: Deploy woof on Debian.
May 30 2023, 19:10
dereckson updated the diff for D3157: Deploy woof on Debian.

Jinja template

May 30 2023, 19:09
dereckson requested review of D3157: Deploy woof on Debian.
May 30 2023, 19:07
dereckson added a revision to T1644: Install Woof on Debian Bullseye: D3157: Deploy woof on Debian.
May 30 2023, 19:07 · User-Dereckson, Servers, Eglide
dereckson added a comment to T1644: Install Woof on Debian Bullseye.

The woof package is for Python 2.7, so code isn't up-to-date.

May 30 2023, 19:02 · User-Dereckson, Servers, Eglide
dereckson closed D3156: Fetch IANA language subtag registry and format it.
May 30 2023, 19:01
dereckson committed rDSa67ca4cc9ff6: Fetch IANA language subtag registry and format it (authored by dereckson).
Fetch IANA language subtag registry and format it
May 30 2023, 19:01
dereckson accepted D3156: Fetch IANA language subtag registry and format it.
May 30 2023, 19:00
dereckson added a revision to T1131: Populate language codes: D3156: Fetch IANA language subtag registry and format it.
May 30 2023, 19:00 · Nasqueron Databases, Odderon
dereckson updated the summary of D3156: Fetch IANA language subtag registry and format it.
May 30 2023, 19:00
dereckson moved T1131: Populate language codes from Data to Next to deploy on the Odderon board.
May 30 2023, 18:49 · Nasqueron Databases, Odderon
dereckson updated the diff for D3156: Fetch IANA language subtag registry and format it.

Improve README, CSV example and darkbot syntax

May 30 2023, 18:38
dereckson requested review of D3156: Fetch IANA language subtag registry and format it.
May 30 2023, 18:30
dereckson added a revision to T1891: Document RFC and language-subtag-registry datasources: D3156: Fetch IANA language subtag registry and format it.
May 30 2023, 18:30 · documentation, Nasqueron Databases
dereckson added a comment to T1131: Populate language codes.
In T1131#27720, @fauve wrote:

This list highly seams to be the IETF tag language. A full list can be founded here

May 30 2023, 18:11 · Nasqueron Databases, Odderon
dereckson renamed T1131: Populate language codes from Populate ISO 639 codes to Populate language codes.
May 30 2023, 18:10 · Nasqueron Databases, Odderon

May 29 2023

dereckson added a parent task for T1891: Document RFC and language-subtag-registry datasources: T1131: Populate language codes.
May 29 2023, 21:38 · documentation, Nasqueron Databases
dereckson added a subtask for T1131: Populate language codes: T1891: Document RFC and language-subtag-registry datasources.
May 29 2023, 21:38 · Nasqueron Databases, Odderon
dereckson added a subtask for T1875: Refresh RFC entries: T1891: Document RFC and language-subtag-registry datasources.
May 29 2023, 21:38 · Nasqueron Databases, Odderon
dereckson added a parent task for T1891: Document RFC and language-subtag-registry datasources: T1875: Refresh RFC entries.
May 29 2023, 21:38 · documentation, Nasqueron Databases
dereckson triaged T1891: Document RFC and language-subtag-registry datasources as Normal priority.
May 29 2023, 21:38 · documentation, Nasqueron Databases
dereckson added a comment to T1131: Populate language codes.

This README quickly written in the train between Charleroi and Nivelles gives an overview of the options we can provide:

May 29 2023, 20:32 · Nasqueron Databases, Odderon
dereckson created P337 README for language-subtag-registry-datasource.
May 29 2023, 20:31 · documentation, Nasqueron Databases
dereckson moved T1131: Populate language codes from Backlog to Working on on the Nasqueron Databases board.
May 29 2023, 20:08 · Nasqueron Databases, Odderon
dereckson claimed T1131: Populate language codes.

Let's do the same thing than for rfc-datasource: create a small language-subtag-registry-datasource utility in rDS to fetch the IANA list and allow to transform it.

May 29 2023, 20:08 · Nasqueron Databases, Odderon
fauve added a comment to T1131: Populate language codes.

This list highly seams to be the IETF tag language. A full list can be founded here

May 29 2023, 18:49 · Nasqueron Databases, Odderon
dereckson added a comment to T1875: Refresh RFC entries.

Next step is to deploy the new info2.db

May 29 2023, 18:33 · Nasqueron Databases, Odderon
dereckson closed D3112: Fetch RFC index and format it.
May 29 2023, 18:29
dereckson committed rDS155f66ea0751: Fetch RFC index and format it (authored by dereckson).
Fetch RFC index and format it
May 29 2023, 18:29
dereckson accepted D3112: Fetch RFC index and format it.
May 29 2023, 18:28
dereckson added a comment to T1875: Refresh RFC entries.

New database produced by D3112 code is available at P336.

May 29 2023, 18:26 · Nasqueron Databases, Odderon
dereckson added a comment to D3112: Fetch RFC index and format it.

It produces a correct Darkbot RFC database:

May 29 2023, 18:23
dereckson created P336 rfc.db :: RFC database for Darkbot.
May 29 2023, 18:22
dereckson placed T1721: Move IRC bots from Freenode to Libera up for grabs.
May 29 2023, 18:19 · Restricted Project, Odderon, Dæghrefn, Eglide, IRC
dereckson closed T1721: Move IRC bots from Freenode to Libera as Resolved.
May 29 2023, 18:19 · Restricted Project, Odderon, Dæghrefn, Eglide, IRC
dereckson added a comment to T1721: Move IRC bots from Freenode to Libera.

So, Dorian updated configuration for eggdrop, and I handled this week the Darkbot one.

May 29 2023, 18:19 · Restricted Project, Odderon, Dæghrefn, Eglide, IRC
dereckson committed rOPS2112fc5c9b5d: Configure Odderon (authored by dereckson).
Configure Odderon
May 29 2023, 18:17
dereckson closed D3155: Configure Odderon.
May 29 2023, 18:17
dereckson accepted D3155: Configure Odderon.
May 29 2023, 18:17
dereckson requested review of D3155: Configure Odderon.
May 29 2023, 18:17
dereckson added a revision to T1721: Move IRC bots from Freenode to Libera: D3155: Configure Odderon.
May 29 2023, 18:17 · Restricted Project, Odderon, Dæghrefn, Eglide, IRC
dereckson added a revision to T1739: Add SASL capability to Darkbot: D3155: Configure Odderon.
May 29 2023, 18:17 · Odderon, IRC
dereckson lowered the priority of T1738: Allow Darkbot to connect to IPv6 from Normal to Wishlist.
May 29 2023, 18:09 · good-first-issue, IPv6, Odderon, IRC
dereckson added a comment to T1738: Allow Darkbot to connect to IPv6.

Libera accepts connections in IPv4 and with SASL we can connect from Scaleway network.

May 29 2023, 18:08 · good-first-issue, IPv6, Odderon, IRC
dereckson removed a subtask for T1721: Move IRC bots from Freenode to Libera: T1738: Allow Darkbot to connect to IPv6.
May 29 2023, 18:07 · Restricted Project, Odderon, Dæghrefn, Eglide, IRC
dereckson removed a parent task for T1738: Allow Darkbot to connect to IPv6: T1721: Move IRC bots from Freenode to Libera.
May 29 2023, 18:07 · good-first-issue, IPv6, Odderon, IRC
dereckson closed T1739: Add SASL capability to Darkbot, a subtask of T1721: Move IRC bots from Freenode to Libera, as Resolved.
May 29 2023, 17:59 · Restricted Project, Odderon, Dæghrefn, Eglide, IRC
dereckson closed T1739: Add SASL capability to Darkbot as Resolved.

Works like a charm.

May 29 2023, 17:59 · Odderon, IRC
dereckson added a comment to T1739: Add SASL capability to Darkbot.

Credentials. Secrets provisioned to Eglide Vault under kv/service/odderon/nickserv.

May 29 2023, 17:22 · Odderon, IRC
dereckson closed T1890: Deploy Vault on Eglide, a subtask of T1721: Move IRC bots from Freenode to Libera, as Resolved.
May 29 2023, 17:18 · Restricted Project, Odderon, Dæghrefn, Eglide, IRC
dereckson closed T1890: Deploy Vault on Eglide, a subtask of T1739: Add SASL capability to Darkbot, as Resolved.
May 29 2023, 17:18 · Odderon, IRC
dereckson closed T1890: Deploy Vault on Eglide as Resolved.
May 29 2023, 17:18 · Odderon, IRC, Vault, security, Eglide
dereckson closed D3154: Help to configure Salt for Vault access on shellserver.
May 29 2023, 17:18
dereckson committed rOPS84acdfd94ee6: Help to configure Salt for Vault access on shellserver (authored by dereckson).
Help to configure Salt for Vault access on shellserver
May 29 2023, 17:17
dereckson accepted D3154: Help to configure Salt for Vault access on shellserver.
May 29 2023, 17:17
dereckson updated the diff for D3154: Help to configure Salt for Vault access on shellserver.

s/master/minion/ for salt-call --local

May 29 2023, 17:17
dereckson retitled D3154: Help to configure Salt for Vault access on shellserver from Help to configure Salt for Vault acess on shellserver to Help to configure Salt for Vault access on shellserver.
May 29 2023, 17:16
dereckson accepted D3154: Help to configure Salt for Vault access on shellserver.
May 29 2023, 17:15
dereckson updated the diff for D3154: Help to configure Salt for Vault access on shellserver.

Insecable space hunt

May 29 2023, 17:14
dereckson added a revision to T1890: Deploy Vault on Eglide: D3154: Help to configure Salt for Vault access on shellserver.
May 29 2023, 17:14 · Odderon, IRC, Vault, security, Eglide
dereckson requested review of D3154: Help to configure Salt for Vault access on shellserver.
May 29 2023, 17:14
dereckson closed D3153: Help operations to unseal Eglide Vault.
May 29 2023, 14:44
dereckson committed rOPS7edaa6ce674f: Help operations to unseal Eglide Vault (authored by dereckson).
Help operations to unseal Eglide Vault
May 29 2023, 14:44
dereckson accepted D3153: Help operations to unseal Eglide Vault.
May 29 2023, 14:44
dereckson requested review of D3153: Help operations to unseal Eglide Vault.
May 29 2023, 14:43
dereckson added a revision to T1890: Deploy Vault on Eglide: D3153: Help operations to unseal Eglide Vault.
May 29 2023, 14:43 · Odderon, IRC, Vault, security, Eglide
dereckson closed D3152: Configure Vault on shellserver.
May 29 2023, 14:04
dereckson committed rOPSdcfada31bc48: Configure Vault on shellserver (authored by dereckson).
Configure Vault on shellserver
May 29 2023, 14:04
dereckson accepted D3152: Configure Vault on shellserver.
May 29 2023, 14:03
fauve abandoned D3150: Remove SSH key for fauve.

The key is finaly usable.

May 29 2023, 12:10
dereckson requested review of D3152: Configure Vault on shellserver.
May 29 2023, 10:56