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derecksonT706: Update default shell and user settings on Ysul
dereckson added a comment. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:13
derecksonT298: Validate devserver operational stateDec 17 2023, 13:13
derecksonT706: Update default shell and user settings on Ysul
dereckson claimed this task. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:13
derecksonT706: Update default shell and user settings on Ysul
dereckson closed this task as Resolved. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:13
derecksonT706: Update default shell and user settings on YsulDec 17 2023, 13:13
derecksonT437: Recreate NextCloud installation
dereckson moved this task from Pending review to Backlog on the Servers board. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:06
dereckson set this project's color to Red. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:05
dereckson edited Description. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:05
dereckson archived this project. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:04
dereckson changed the default filter for the project workboard. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:03
derecksonBulk Job 23
dereckson confirmed this job. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:03
DaemonsBulk Job 23
Daemons marked this job complete. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:03
DaemonsBulk Job 23
Daemons marked this job as running. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:03
derecksonT1134: Plan an hackathon
dereckson added a comment. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:03
derecksonT603: Establish a roadmap to reach a minimum viable product
dereckson added a comment. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:03
derecksonT603: Establish a roadmap to reach a minimum viable product
dereckson closed this task as Wontfix. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:03
derecksonT1134: Plan an hackathon
dereckson claimed this task. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:03
derecksonT1134: Plan an hackathon
dereckson closed this task as Wontfix. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:03
derecksonT603: Establish a roadmap to reach a minimum viable product
dereckson claimed this task. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:03
DaemonsBulk Job 24
Daemons marked this job complete. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:03
derecksonT257: Setup tasacora starting resources
dereckson added a comment. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:03
derecksonT257: Setup tasacora starting resources
dereckson claimed this task. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:03
derecksonT257: Setup tasacora starting resources
dereckson closed this task as Wontfix. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:03
derecksonBulk Job 24
dereckson confirmed this job. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:03
DaemonsBulk Job 24
Daemons marked this job as running. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:03
derecksonT280: Prepare suitable a development server environment for Tasacora
dereckson added a comment. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:03
derecksonT280: Prepare suitable a development server environment for Tasacora
dereckson closed this task as Wontfix. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:03
derecksonT280: Prepare suitable a development server environment for Tasacora
dereckson claimed this task. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:03
derecksonBulk Job 24
dereckson created this bulk job. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:03
derecksonBulk Job 23
dereckson created this bulk job. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:03
DaemonsBulk Job 22
Daemons marked this job complete. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT1088: Check pigshell cartography demo
dereckson closed this task as Wontfix. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT1088: Check pigshell cartography demo
dereckson added a comment. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT285: When an user uploads a dataset, offer by heuristics a selection of maps
dereckson claimed this task. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT785: Explore grid map
dereckson closed this task as Wontfix. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT268: Import source: WikiAtlas
dereckson added a comment. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT326: Library to convert between CSV and JSON data formats with sensible identifiers
dereckson added a comment. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT395: CartoCSS support in Tasacora
dereckson claimed this task. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT785: Explore grid map
dereckson added a comment. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT268: Import source: WikiAtlas
dereckson closed this task as Wontfix. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT262: Import map and administrative divisions data from OpenStreetMap
dereckson added a comment. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT262: Import map and administrative divisions data from OpenStreetMap
dereckson claimed this task. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT263: Comic to explain Tasacora
dereckson added a comment. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT268: Import source: WikiAtlas
dereckson claimed this task. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT607: Arcanist and DevCentral configuration for Tasacora repositories
dereckson added a comment. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT607: Arcanist and DevCentral configuration for Tasacora repositories
dereckson claimed this task. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT282: Create a FreeBSD port to install Nina
dereckson closed this task as Wontfix. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT785: Explore grid map
dereckson claimed this task. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT1088: Check pigshell cartography demo
dereckson claimed this task. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT285: When an user uploads a dataset, offer by heuristics a selection of maps
dereckson closed this task as Wontfix. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT395: CartoCSS support in Tasacora
dereckson added a comment. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT395: CartoCSS support in Tasacora
dereckson closed this task as Wontfix. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT326: Library to convert between CSV and JSON data formats with sensible identifiers
dereckson claimed this task. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT326: Library to convert between CSV and JSON data formats with sensible identifiers
dereckson closed this task as Wontfix. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT282: Create a FreeBSD port to install Nina
dereckson added a comment. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT263: Comic to explain Tasacora
dereckson claimed this task. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT263: Comic to explain Tasacora
dereckson closed this task as Wontfix. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT607: Arcanist and DevCentral configuration for Tasacora repositories
dereckson closed this task as Wontfix. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT285: When an user uploads a dataset, offer by heuristics a selection of maps
dereckson added a comment. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT282: Create a FreeBSD port to install Nina
dereckson claimed this task. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT262: Import map and administrative divisions data from OpenStreetMap
dereckson closed this task as Wontfix. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT1087: Consolidate documentation resources
dereckson claimed this task. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT603: Establish a roadmap to reach a minimum viable product Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT349: Add Wikimedia OAuth2 registration capability
dereckson closed this task as Wontfix. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT325: Allow to open a map in the Tasacora editor from Wikimedia Commons
dereckson added a comment. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT986: Add Wikidata support
dereckson closed this task as Wontfix. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT986: Add Wikidata support
dereckson claimed this task. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT326: Library to convert between CSV and JSON data formats with sensible identifiersDec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT609: Get universal alphanumeric ASCII identifiers from arbitrary UTF-8 data
dereckson claimed this task. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT609: Get universal alphanumeric ASCII identifiers from arbitrary UTF-8 data
dereckson closed this task as Wontfix. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT1087: Consolidate documentation resources
dereckson added a comment. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT775: Define Tasacora server REST API specification
dereckson claimed this task. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT325: Allow to open a map in the Tasacora editor from Wikimedia Commons
dereckson claimed this task. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT775: Define Tasacora server REST API specification
dereckson added a comment. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT775: Define Tasacora server REST API specification
dereckson closed this task as Wontfix. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT265: Abstract nina elements to evolve naturally the experimental code into a generic application
dereckson added a comment. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT325: Allow to open a map in the Tasacora editor from Wikimedia Commons
dereckson closed this task as Wontfix. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT345: Add registration capabilitiesDec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT349: Add Wikimedia OAuth2 registration capability
dereckson claimed this task. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT349: Add Wikimedia OAuth2 registration capability
dereckson added a comment. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT603: Establish a roadmap to reach a minimum viable product Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT265: Abstract nina elements to evolve naturally the experimental code into a generic application
dereckson closed this task as Wontfix. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT267: How are we building our webstack?
dereckson added a comment. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT267: How are we building our webstack?
dereckson closed this task as Wontfix. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT609: Get universal alphanumeric ASCII identifiers from arbitrary UTF-8 data
dereckson added a comment. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT1087: Consolidate documentation resources
dereckson closed this task as Wontfix. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT986: Add Wikidata support
dereckson added a comment. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT267: How are we building our webstack?
dereckson claimed this task. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
DaemonsBulk Job 22
Daemons marked this job as running. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT1094: Create a Tasacora special interest group
dereckson added a comment. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT1095: Determine the initial special interest groupsDec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT1094: Create a Tasacora special interest group
dereckson closed this task as Wontfix. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT1094: Create a Tasacora special interest group
dereckson claimed this task. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonBulk Job 22
dereckson confirmed this job. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonBulk Job 22
dereckson created this bulk job. 
Dec 17 2023, 13:01
derecksonT1925: No SRV record found for the repo 'Nasqueron'
dereckson moved this task from Backlog to Pending review on the Servers board. 
Dec 17 2023, 12:57
HarbormasterD3249: Don't configure mirrors for FreeBSD packages repository
Harbormaster completed remote builds in B5127: Diff 8348. 
Dec 17 2023, 12:53
derecksonDiff 8348
dereckson created this diff. 
Dec 17 2023, 12:53
derecksonD3249: Don't configure mirrors for FreeBSD packages repositoryDec 17 2023, 12:53
derecksonD3249: Don't configure mirrors for FreeBSD packages repository
dereckson edited the summary of this revision. 
Dec 17 2023, 12:53