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TCL extension for RabbitMQ.

Wrapper around the rabbitmq-c library.

Repository: rRABBITMQTCL

Recent Activity

Apr 30 2023

dereckson moved T1835: Publish dev documentation from Backlog to Deploy scripts on the Alkane board.
Apr 30 2023, 12:26 · documentation, Alkane, rabbitmq-tcl
dereckson added a comment to T1835: Publish dev documentation.

Documentation preview:

Apr 30 2023, 12:26 · documentation, Alkane, rabbitmq-tcl
dereckson triaged T1835: Publish dev documentation as Low priority.
Apr 30 2023, 12:25 · documentation, Alkane, rabbitmq-tcl

Mar 17 2023

dereckson edited Description on rabbitmq-tcl.
Mar 17 2023, 13:41

Apr 28 2017

dereckson updated the task description for T1198: `mq bindqueue quux quux` crashes the interpreter.
Apr 28 2017, 19:36 · rabbitmq-tcl
dereckson lowered the priority of T1198: `mq bindqueue quux quux` crashes the interpreter from Unbreak Now! to Needs Triage.
Apr 28 2017, 19:34 · rabbitmq-tcl
dereckson created T1198: `mq bindqueue quux quux` crashes the interpreter.
Apr 28 2017, 19:34 · rabbitmq-tcl

Feb 12 2017

dereckson moved T1006: Free correctly the memory for variables passed to the TCL interpreter from Next to Backlog on the User-Dereckson board.
Feb 12 2017, 21:07 · rabbitmq-tcl

Jan 12 2017

dereckson moved T977: Wearg crashes on `sqlrehash` command from Backlog to Bugs on the Dæghrefn board.
Jan 12 2017, 04:40 · Dæghrefn, rabbitmq-tcl

Dec 13 2016

dereckson closed T1057: Add clang-format-linter to Arcanist image as Resolved by committing rDARCc7871b83360f: Add clang-format-linter support.
Dec 13 2016, 13:39 · rabbitmq-tcl, Docker images
dereckson added a revision to T1057: Add clang-format-linter to Arcanist image: D745: Add clang-format-linter support.
Dec 13 2016, 13:30 · rabbitmq-tcl, Docker images
dereckson placed T1006: Free correctly the memory for variables passed to the TCL interpreter up for grabs.
Dec 13 2016, 13:26 · rabbitmq-tcl
dereckson claimed T1057: Add clang-format-linter to Arcanist image.
Dec 13 2016, 11:17 · rabbitmq-tcl, Docker images
dereckson created T1057: Add clang-format-linter to Arcanist image.
Dec 13 2016, 11:17 · rabbitmq-tcl, Docker images

Dec 12 2016

dereckson moved T1006: Free correctly the memory for variables passed to the TCL interpreter from Backlog to Next on the User-Dereckson board.
Dec 12 2016, 21:31 · rabbitmq-tcl
dereckson added a project to T1006: Free correctly the memory for variables passed to the TCL interpreter: User-Dereckson.
Dec 12 2016, 21:31 · rabbitmq-tcl
dereckson claimed T1006: Free correctly the memory for variables passed to the TCL interpreter.
Dec 12 2016, 21:16 · rabbitmq-tcl

Nov 6 2016

dereckson renamed T977: Wearg crashes on `sqlrehash` command from Wearg crash on `sqlrehash` command to Wearg crashes on `sqlrehash` command.
Nov 6 2016, 23:08 · Dæghrefn, rabbitmq-tcl

Sep 9 2016

dereckson updated the task description for T1010: Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) in mq_connect.
Sep 9 2016, 21:43 · rabbitmq-tcl
dereckson updated the task description for T1010: Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) in mq_connect.
Sep 9 2016, 21:37 · rabbitmq-tcl
dereckson updated the task description for T1010: Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) in mq_connect.
Sep 9 2016, 21:30 · rabbitmq-tcl
dereckson renamed T1010: Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) in mq_connect from Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) in amqp_login to Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) in mq_connect.
Sep 9 2016, 21:20 · rabbitmq-tcl
dereckson updated the task description for T1010: Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) in mq_connect.
Sep 9 2016, 21:18 · rabbitmq-tcl
dereckson created T1010: Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) in mq_connect.
Sep 9 2016, 21:16 · rabbitmq-tcl
dereckson moved T1006: Free correctly the memory for variables passed to the TCL interpreter from Backlog to Memory bugs on the rabbitmq-tcl board.
Sep 9 2016, 21:13 · rabbitmq-tcl
dereckson moved T977: Wearg crashes on `sqlrehash` command from Backlog to Memory bugs on the rabbitmq-tcl board.
Sep 9 2016, 21:13 · Dæghrefn, rabbitmq-tcl

Sep 4 2016

xcombelle added a comment to T1006: Free correctly the memory for variables passed to the TCL interpreter.

If I understand well, to require Tcl to do the copy, and so be free to allocate where we want the string (also in the stack), we should pass it as TCL_VOLATILE. TCL_DYNAMIC is intended to create a modifiable variable, but the allocation should saty

Sep 4 2016, 00:16 · rabbitmq-tcl
dereckson updated the task description for T1006: Free correctly the memory for variables passed to the TCL interpreter.
Sep 4 2016, 00:09 · rabbitmq-tcl
xcombelle added a comment to T1006: Free correctly the memory for variables passed to the TCL interpreter.

According to this answer on stack overflow

Sep 4 2016, 00:02 · rabbitmq-tcl

Sep 3 2016

dereckson added a comment to T1006: Free correctly the memory for variables passed to the TCL interpreter.

[ High priority as that's have a slight but very annoying for stability impact on code using the library as a long term runtime lifecycle. This doesn't really affect scripts connecting once, getting message, disconencting. ]

Sep 3 2016, 13:08 · rabbitmq-tcl
dereckson created T1006: Free correctly the memory for variables passed to the TCL interpreter.
Sep 3 2016, 13:07 · rabbitmq-tcl

Aug 13 2016

dereckson updated the task description for T977: Wearg crashes on `sqlrehash` command.
Aug 13 2016, 21:53 · Dæghrefn, rabbitmq-tcl
dereckson created T977: Wearg crashes on `sqlrehash` command.
Aug 13 2016, 21:52 · Dæghrefn, rabbitmq-tcl

Jul 15 2016

dereckson updated the task description for T621: TCL extension to implement AMQP without blocking the thread.
Jul 15 2016, 07:14 · rabbitmq-tcl, Dæghrefn

Dec 27 2015

dereckson closed T627: Avoid to catch the SIGCHLD signal triggered every five minutes as Resolved by committing rVIPERSERVdd5b1b408ce3: Bypass message queue when it risks a collision with SIGCHLD..
Dec 27 2015, 09:59 · rabbitmq-tcl, Message queues, Dæghrefn

Dec 21 2015

dereckson closed T621: TCL extension to implement AMQP without blocking the thread as Resolved.
Dec 21 2015, 20:11 · rabbitmq-tcl, Dæghrefn
dereckson moved T627: Avoid to catch the SIGCHLD signal triggered every five minutes from Backlog to Need a volunteer on the Message queues board.
Dec 21 2015, 20:10 · rabbitmq-tcl, Message queues, Dæghrefn

Dec 20 2015

dereckson updated the task description for T628: exceptions4c: don't intercept SIGCHLD.
Dec 20 2015, 11:09 · good-first-issue, rabbitmq-tcl
dereckson triaged T628: exceptions4c: don't intercept SIGCHLD as Normal priority.
Dec 20 2015, 11:05 · good-first-issue, rabbitmq-tcl
dereckson moved T628: exceptions4c: don't intercept SIGCHLD from Backlog to Dev on the good-first-issue board.
Dec 20 2015, 11:05 · good-first-issue, rabbitmq-tcl
dereckson created T628: exceptions4c: don't intercept SIGCHLD.
Dec 20 2015, 11:05 · good-first-issue, rabbitmq-tcl

Dec 19 2015

dereckson added a revision to T627: Avoid to catch the SIGCHLD signal triggered every five minutes: D111: Bypass message queue when it risks a collision with SIGCHLD..
Dec 19 2015, 17:46 · rabbitmq-tcl, Message queues, Dæghrefn
dereckson created T627: Avoid to catch the SIGCHLD signal triggered every five minutes.
Dec 19 2015, 07:59 · rabbitmq-tcl, Message queues, Dæghrefn

Dec 12 2015

dereckson added a parent task for T621: TCL extension to implement AMQP without blocking the thread: T191: Add events notification on Dæghrefn about Nasqueron dev and ops activity.
Dec 12 2015, 01:00 · rabbitmq-tcl, Dæghrefn
dereckson moved T621: TCL extension to implement AMQP without blocking the thread from Backlog to Working on on the Dæghrefn board.
Dec 12 2015, 00:48 · rabbitmq-tcl, Dæghrefn
dereckson added a comment to T621: TCL extension to implement AMQP without blocking the thread.

Working repository:

Dec 12 2015, 00:45 · rabbitmq-tcl, Dæghrefn
dereckson created T621: TCL extension to implement AMQP without blocking the thread.
Dec 12 2015, 00:44 · rabbitmq-tcl, Dæghrefn
dereckson created rabbitmq-tcl.
Dec 12 2015, 00:26