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Apr 20 2023
Apr 20 2023
dereckson closed T1834: Creation of dynamic property SiteConfiguration::$localVHosts is deprecated, a subtask of T845: Create a wiki farm, as Resolved.
dereckson committed rSAASMW078e7efda6c3: Replace $wgConf->localVHosts by $wgLocalVirtualHosts (authored by dereckson).
Replace $wgConf->localVHosts by $wgLocalVirtualHosts
dereckson triaged T1834: Creation of dynamic property SiteConfiguration::$localVHosts is deprecated as High priority.
Apr 19 2023
Apr 19 2023
dereckson committed rOPS8611e17da26a: Provision stores for wikis.nasqueron.org (authored by dereckson).
Provision stores for wikis.nasqueron.org
dereckson added a revision to T845: Create a wiki farm: D3055: Provision stores for wikis.nasqueron.org.
dereckson added a comment to T1512: Could not create directory "mwstore://local-backend/local-public/b/b2"..
Could have been a permission issue because the /var/dataroot/www.wolfplex.org/images folder has been created by 7dfd539c.
dereckson committed rOPSfdb410fb8e43: Deploy WolfplexMessages MediaWiki extension (authored by dereckson).
Deploy WolfplexMessages MediaWiki extension
dereckson added a parent task for T1800: Ensure PHP sockets extension is available everywhere: T1380: Edit stream for Wolfplex.
dereckson removed a parent task for T1380: Edit stream for Wolfplex: T1800: Ensure PHP sockets extension is available everywhere.
dereckson removed a subtask for T1800: Ensure PHP sockets extension is available everywhere: T1380: Edit stream for Wolfplex.
dereckson added a parent task for T1380: Edit stream for Wolfplex: T1800: Ensure PHP sockets extension is available everywhere.
WithLog::getLoggerConfiguration() provides the logger configuration.
Backup can be done as part of acquisitariat backup, the MySQL host for DevCentral, other Phabricator instances and Etherpad.
dereckson renamed T1379: Provide TeX math service for MediaWiki from Use TeX for math to Provide TeX math service for MediaWiki.
Probably best to install Mathoid service - https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Mathoid
dereckson closed T1512: Could not create directory "mwstore://local-backend/local-public/b/b2". as Resolved.
Fixed by the MediaWiki SaaS, the wiki runs under mediawikiand we've /var/dataroot/<wiki name>/images belonging to the mediawiki user for that.
dereckson committed rOPS7c04fa0d6085: Don't try to patch nanorc.yaml if missing (authored by dereckson).
Don't try to patch nanorc.yaml if missing
Configure nano everywhere
dereckson committed rSAASMW11a097880ee9: Bump nasqueron/saas-service version (authored by dereckson).
Bump nasqueron/saas-service version
Fix DotEnv dependency
Apr 18 2023
Apr 18 2023
Deploy MediaWiki SaaS on Alkane PaaS
Serve PHP sites on Alkane PaaS
dereckson awarded rOPSfb84d4ec0b7a: Provision db-B-001 MariaDB server a Y So Serious token.
Apr 17 2023
Apr 17 2023
dereckson committed rOPSf2ea2bcb8e74: Upgrade devserver and shellserver to PHP 8.2 (authored by dereckson).
Upgrade devserver and shellserver to PHP 8.2
dereckson committed rOPSe924fc093d8a: Ensure all locales are available on Debian (authored by dereckson).
Ensure all locales are available on Debian
dereckson retitled D3047: Ensure all locales are available on Debian from Generate locales on Debian to Ensure all locales are available on Debian.
Switch to locales-all
dereckson committed rOPS6fadc1645417: Don't try to install now bundled PHP extensions (authored by dereckson).
Don't try to install now bundled PHP extensions
Don't build PHP 5.6 anymore
Clean the pillar (was preparing the PHP part for Alkane at the same time)
Done, php82-pdo_pgsql-8.2.4_1.pkg is now available on Nasqueron packages repository.
WindRiver issue
dereckson committed rOPSde8706bd24d3: Install pdo_pgsql shared extension for PHP (authored by dereckson).
Install pdo_pgsql shared extension for PHP
dereckson committed rOPS7c85d13220a2: Migrate directories unit to webserver-alkane role (authored by dereckson).
Migrate directories unit to webserver-alkane role
$ salt web-001 state.apply roles/webserver-alkane/directories web-001: ---------- ID: /var/wwwroot Function: file.directory Result: True Comment: Started: 01:06:30.161257 Duration: 10.105 ms Changes: ---------- /var/wwwroot: ---------- directory: new ---------- ID: webserver_directory_nasqueron.org Function: file.directory Name: /var/wwwroot/nasqueron.org Result: True Comment: Started: 01:06:30.171554 Duration: 2.964 ms Changes: ---------- /var/wwwroot/nasqueron.org: ---------- directory: new ---------- ID: /var/log/www/nasqueron.org Function: file.directory Result: True Comment: Started: 01:06:30.174854 Duration: 3.351 ms Changes: ---------- /var/log/www/nasqueron.org: ---------- directory: new ---------- […]
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