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May 6 2023

dereckson accepted D3075: Import .zshrc configuration from Ysul.
May 6 2023, 18:56
dereckson added a revision to T1803: Move and migrate Ysul production services elsewhere: D3075: Import .zshrc configuration from Ysul.
May 6 2023, 18:53 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Alkane, Servers
dereckson requested review of D3075: Import .zshrc configuration from Ysul.
May 6 2023, 18:53
dereckson moved T1757: docker-001 routing for drake doesn't work on boot from Backlog - Docker to Backlog - Monitoring / misc on the Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion) board.
May 6 2023, 18:01 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Salt, Drake network, Servers, Nasqueron Docker deployment squad
dereckson moved T1740: Monitor container disk usage from Backlog to Backlog - Monitoring / misc on the Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion) board.
May 6 2023, 18:00 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Monitoring and reporting, Nasqueron Docker deployment squad, Servers
dereckson moved T1495: Deploy StatsD from Backlog to Backlog - Monitoring / misc on the Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion) board.
May 6 2023, 18:00 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Nasqueron Docker deployment squad, Monitoring and reporting
dereckson moved T1704: Monitor HTTP back-end from Docker containers from Backlog to Backlog - Monitoring / misc on the Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion) board.
May 6 2023, 18:00 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Nasqueron Docker deployment squad, Monitoring and reporting
dereckson moved T1496: Deploy StatsD and Graphite from Backlog to Backlog - Monitoring / misc on the Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion) board.
May 6 2023, 18:00 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Nasqueron Docker deployment squad, Monitoring and reporting
dereckson moved T651: Deploy Grafana from Backlog to Backlog - Monitoring / misc on the Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion) board.
May 6 2023, 18:00 · Monitoring and reporting, Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Servers
dereckson moved T1705: Monitor a container is up from Backlog to Backlog - Monitoring / misc on the Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion) board.
May 6 2023, 18:00 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Nasqueron Docker deployment squad, Monitoring and reporting
dereckson updated the task description for T1852: Migrate and FTP service.
May 6 2023, 17:59 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Alkane, Servers
dereckson triaged T1610: Deploy Jitsi Meet instance as Wishlist priority.
May 6 2023, 16:12 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Wolfplex migration, XMPP, Nasqueron Docker deployment squad, Servers, Product evaluation
dereckson triaged T1485: Prepare a CSS theme for nginx file listing as Low priority.
May 6 2023, 16:11 · good-first-issue, design, Operations sprints (Move the ambiant lights)
dereckson added a comment to T1843: Set up the Vue.js app.

Modern front-end development is component-driven. A good introduction is

May 6 2023, 16:06 · FRONTEND, ServPulse
dereckson moved T1812: Deploy Airflow from Backlog to RC / beta / virtually adopted on the Product evaluation board.
May 6 2023, 16:01 · Product evaluation, Continous integration and delivery, Nasqueron Databases
dereckson moved T1703: Evaluate Penpot from Current focus to RC / beta / virtually adopted on the Product evaluation board.
May 6 2023, 16:01 · design, Product evaluation
dereckson moved T1610: Deploy Jitsi Meet instance from Backlog to Current focus on the Product evaluation board.
May 6 2023, 16:01 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Wolfplex migration, XMPP, Nasqueron Docker deployment squad, Servers, Product evaluation
dereckson moved T1780: Investigate Uptime Kuma for uptime monitoring and status page from Current focus to Nope / later on the Product evaluation board.
May 6 2023, 16:00 · Product evaluation
dereckson lowered the priority of T1780: Investigate Uptime Kuma for uptime monitoring and status page from High to Low.

Let's first see what's going on with ServPulse before exploring Uptime Kuma.

May 6 2023, 16:00 · Product evaluation
dereckson lowered the priority of T1622: Install Kubernetes from High to Low.
May 6 2023, 15:58 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson moved T1496: Deploy StatsD and Graphite from Backlog - Docker to Backlog on the Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion) board.
May 6 2023, 15:56 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Nasqueron Docker deployment squad, Monitoring and reporting
dereckson moved T1495: Deploy StatsD from Backlog - Docker to Backlog on the Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion) board.
May 6 2023, 15:56 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Nasqueron Docker deployment squad, Monitoring and reporting
dereckson triaged T958: Internal DNS server for Docker engine and containers as Low priority.
May 6 2023, 15:56 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Nasqueron Docker deployment squad
dereckson moved T1740: Monitor container disk usage from Backlog - Docker to Backlog on the Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion) board.
May 6 2023, 15:56 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Monitoring and reporting, Nasqueron Docker deployment squad, Servers
dereckson moved T1705: Monitor a container is up from Backlog - Docker to Backlog on the Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion) board.
May 6 2023, 15:56 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Nasqueron Docker deployment squad, Monitoring and reporting
dereckson moved T1704: Monitor HTTP back-end from Docker containers from Backlog - Docker to Backlog on the Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion) board.
May 6 2023, 15:56 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Nasqueron Docker deployment squad, Monitoring and reporting
dereckson moved T651: Deploy Grafana from Backlog - Docker to Backlog on the Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion) board.
May 6 2023, 15:55 · Monitoring and reporting, Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Servers
dereckson moved T751: Pull automatically Nasqueron images on Dwellers when updated in Docker Hub from Backlog to Backlog - Docker on the Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion) board.
May 6 2023, 15:55 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Message queues, Notifications center, Nasqueron Docker deployment squad
dereckson moved T651: Deploy Grafana from Backlog to Backlog - Docker on the Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion) board.
May 6 2023, 15:55 · Monitoring and reporting, Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Servers
dereckson moved T1610: Deploy Jitsi Meet instance from Backlog to Backlog - Docker on the Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion) board.
May 6 2023, 15:55 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Wolfplex migration, XMPP, Nasqueron Docker deployment squad, Servers, Product evaluation
dereckson moved T1704: Monitor HTTP back-end from Docker containers from Backlog to Backlog - Docker on the Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion) board.
May 6 2023, 15:55 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Nasqueron Docker deployment squad, Monitoring and reporting
dereckson moved T958: Internal DNS server for Docker engine and containers from Backlog to Backlog - Docker on the Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion) board.
May 6 2023, 15:55 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Nasqueron Docker deployment squad
dereckson moved T1495: Deploy StatsD from Backlog to Backlog - Docker on the Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion) board.
May 6 2023, 15:55 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Nasqueron Docker deployment squad, Monitoring and reporting
dereckson moved T1065: Set alternative domain to serve Zed Phabricator files from Backlog to Backlog - Docker on the Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion) board.
May 6 2023, 15:55 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), User-Dereckson, Nasqueron Docker deployment squad, Zed, Servers
dereckson moved T1496: Deploy StatsD and Graphite from Backlog to Backlog - Docker on the Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion) board.
May 6 2023, 15:55 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Nasqueron Docker deployment squad, Monitoring and reporting
dereckson moved T996: Migrate Etherpad K/V store from MySQL to Redis from Backlog to Backlog - Docker on the Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion) board.
May 6 2023, 15:55 · Etherpad, Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Nasqueron Docker deployment squad
dereckson moved T1740: Monitor container disk usage from Backlog to Backlog - Docker on the Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion) board.
May 6 2023, 15:55 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Monitoring and reporting, Nasqueron Docker deployment squad, Servers
dereckson moved T1757: docker-001 routing for drake doesn't work on boot from Backlog to Backlog - Docker on the Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion) board.
May 6 2023, 15:55 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Salt, Drake network, Servers, Nasqueron Docker deployment squad
dereckson moved T1770: Drop credentials from MySQL containers' environment from Backlog to Backlog - Docker on the Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion) board.
May 6 2023, 15:55 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Nasqueron Docker deployment squad, Salt, security
dereckson moved T1765: SELinux context is missing for /etc/nginx configuration files from Backlog to Backlog - Docker on the Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion) board.
May 6 2023, 15:55 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Salt, security, Nasqueron Docker deployment squad, Servers
dereckson moved T1705: Monitor a container is up from Backlog to Backlog - Docker on the Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion) board.
May 6 2023, 15:55 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Nasqueron Docker deployment squad, Monitoring and reporting
dereckson moved T1816: Automate Kafka cluster healing from Backlog to Backlog - Docker on the Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion) board.
May 6 2023, 15:55 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Nasqueron Docker deployment squad, Monitoring and reporting
dereckson moved T1792: Docker registry HTTP / HTTPS mismatch from Backlog to Backlog - Docker on the Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion) board.
May 6 2023, 15:55 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Nasqueron Docker deployment squad, Servers, documentation
dereckson moved T1761: Provision from Backlog to Pending review on the Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion) board.
May 6 2023, 15:54 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Nasqueron Docker deployment squad, Servers
dereckson moved T1803: Move and migrate Ysul production services elsewhere from Backlog to Blocked on the Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion) board.
May 6 2023, 15:54 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Alkane, Servers
dereckson moved T1825: Documentation for Alkane from Backlog to Backlog - Alkane/Webservers on the Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion) board.
May 6 2023, 15:54 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), documentation, Alkane
dereckson moved T1826: Create Alkane utility from Backlog to Pending review on the Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion) board.
May 6 2023, 15:54 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Alkane
dereckson moved T1828: Provide Alkane, Nasqueron PaaS to serve PHP and static sites from Backlog to Backlog - Alkane/Webservers on the Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion) board.
May 6 2023, 15:54 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Alkane, Servers, User-Dereckson
dereckson moved T1850: Move packages from Ysul to WindRiver from Backlog to Backlog - Alkane/Webservers on the Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion) board.
May 6 2023, 15:54 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Alkane, Servers
dereckson moved T1851: Migrate servers log API from Backlog to Backlog - Alkane/Webservers on the Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion) board.
May 6 2023, 15:54 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Alkane, Servers
dereckson moved T1852: Migrate and FTP service from Backlog to Backlog - Alkane/Webservers on the Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion) board.
May 6 2023, 15:54 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Alkane, Servers
dereckson closed T377: Create a Docker image for Phragile as Wontfix.

Not maintained anymore, and the reporting should be focus to other KPI than story points. For example, we're more interested by "which projects most benefited from this sprint?"

May 6 2023, 15:52 · Docker images, Nasqueron Docker deployment squad
dereckson moved T687: Document on Etherpad default message the installation is shared between Wolfplex and Nasqueron from Backlog to Pending review on the Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion) board.
May 6 2023, 15:47 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Nasqueron Docker deployment squad, Etherpad
dereckson updated the task description for T1757: docker-001 routing for drake doesn't work on boot.
May 6 2023, 14:27 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Salt, Drake network, Servers, Nasqueron Docker deployment squad
dereckson placed T1757: docker-001 routing for drake doesn't work on boot up for grabs.

[ Avoid cookie-licking ]

May 6 2023, 14:24 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Salt, Drake network, Servers, Nasqueron Docker deployment squad
dereckson created an object: Credits.
May 6 2023, 13:42
dereckson added a hashtag to Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion): #ignite_alkane.
May 6 2023, 13:36
dereckson edited the content of DevCentral documentation.
May 6 2023, 13:34
dereckson set the image for Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion) to F2214911: profile.
May 6 2023, 13:32
dereckson set the image for DBA to F2214901: profile.
May 6 2023, 13:10
dereckson added a hashtag to BACKEND: #back-end.
May 6 2023, 13:09
dereckson edited Description on FRONTEND.
May 6 2023, 13:09
dereckson edited Description on BACKEND.
May 6 2023, 13:09
dereckson edited Description on BRAINSTORMING.
May 6 2023, 13:08
dereckson added a member for Operations sprints: fauve.
May 6 2023, 13:07
dereckson moved T1809: Propagate containers-related events from Backlog to Blocked on the Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion) board.
May 6 2023, 13:07 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Monitoring and reporting, Nasqueron Docker deployment squad, Servers
dereckson edited Description on Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion).
May 6 2023, 13:06
dereckson closed T324: Install the Wikimedia Phabricator extension Sprint on DevCentral as Wontfix.

This visualisation doesn't satisfy our goals.

May 6 2023, 12:57 · Nasqueron Docker deployment squad, DevCentral
dereckson added a project to T1809: Propagate containers-related events: Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion).
May 6 2023, 12:54 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Monitoring and reporting, Nasqueron Docker deployment squad, Servers
dereckson created Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion).
May 6 2023, 12:54
dereckson triaged T1852: Migrate and FTP service as Normal priority.
May 6 2023, 11:09 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Alkane, Servers
dereckson triaged T1851: Migrate servers log API as Normal priority.
May 6 2023, 09:33 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Alkane, Servers
dereckson triaged T1850: Move packages from Ysul to WindRiver as Normal priority.
May 6 2023, 09:07 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Alkane, Servers
dereckson triaged T1849: Cover page for as Normal priority.
May 6 2023, 09:00 · Alkane, Servers
dereckson renamed T1803: Move and migrate Ysul production services elsewhere from Move Ysul production services elsewhere to Move and migrate Ysul production services elsewhere.
May 6 2023, 08:57 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Alkane, Servers

May 3 2023

dereckson added a comment to T1843: Set up the Vue.js app.

Most Nasqueron projects use Foundation as CSS framework, and that's convenient to get for example our standard footer.

May 3 2023, 22:13 · FRONTEND, ServPulse

May 2 2023

inidal updated the task description for T1848: 🌱 Brand Identity.
May 2 2023, 09:30 · BRAINSTORMING, ServPulse
inidal renamed T1848: 🌱 Brand Identity from 🌱 App Identity to 🌱 Brand Identity.
May 2 2023, 09:15 · BRAINSTORMING, ServPulse
inidal moved T1848: 🌱 Brand Identity from 🚨 Dispatch to UI DESIGN on the ServPulse board.
May 2 2023, 09:14 · BRAINSTORMING, ServPulse
inidal renamed T1848: 🌱 Brand Identity from 🌱 Name The App! to 🌱 App Identity.
May 2 2023, 09:11 · BRAINSTORMING, ServPulse
inidal triaged T1845: Connect the frontend to the backend as Normal priority.
May 2 2023, 08:59 · FRONTEND, ServPulse
inidal lowered the priority of T1836: Create Admin page from High to Normal.
May 2 2023, 08:59 · FRONTEND, ServPulse
inidal lowered the priority of T1837: Create Index page from High to Normal.
May 2 2023, 08:59 · FRONTEND, ServPulse
inidal triaged T1847: Set up PostgreSQL database as High priority.
May 2 2023, 08:59 · DBA, ServPulse
inidal triaged T1846: Set up the Express server with PostgreSQL connection as High priority.
May 2 2023, 08:59 · BACKEND, ServPulse
inidal triaged T1843: Set up the Vue.js app as High priority.
May 2 2023, 08:59 · FRONTEND, ServPulse
inidal added a project to T1848: 🌱 Brand Identity: BRAINSTORMING.
May 2 2023, 08:58 · BRAINSTORMING, ServPulse
inidal triaged T1848: 🌱 Brand Identity as Low priority.
May 2 2023, 08:55 · BRAINSTORMING, ServPulse
inidal created BRAINSTORMING.
May 2 2023, 08:47
inidal closed T1844: Set up the Express.js server as Invalid.
May 2 2023, 08:35 · ServPulse
inidal created T1847: Set up PostgreSQL database.
May 2 2023, 08:33 · DBA, ServPulse
inidal renamed T1836: Create Admin page from Admin Page to Create Admin page.
May 2 2023, 08:29 · FRONTEND, ServPulse
inidal renamed T1837: Create Index page from Index Page to Create Index page.
May 2 2023, 08:29 · FRONTEND, ServPulse
inidal added a project to T1846: Set up the Express server with PostgreSQL connection: BACKEND.
May 2 2023, 08:28 · BACKEND, ServPulse
inidal created T1846: Set up the Express server with PostgreSQL connection.
May 2 2023, 08:28 · BACKEND, ServPulse
inidal created T1845: Connect the frontend to the backend.
May 2 2023, 08:21 · FRONTEND, ServPulse
inidal added a project to T1844: Set up the Express.js server: BACKEND.
May 2 2023, 08:20 · ServPulse
inidal created T1844: Set up the Express.js server.
May 2 2023, 08:19 · ServPulse
inidal created T1843: Set up the Vue.js app.
May 2 2023, 08:18 · FRONTEND, ServPulse
inidal renamed T1841: Add groups of servers (feature) from Add groups (servers) feature to Add groups of servers (feature).
May 2 2023, 07:50 · BACKEND, FRONTEND, ServPulse