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May 18 2023
Rebased against D3099
Snapshots work too:
$ salt-call --local state.sls_id arcology/wwwroot51 roles/devserver/webserver-wwwroot51 local: ---------- ID: arcology/wwwroot51 Function: zfs.filesystem_present Result: True Comment: filesystem arcology/wwwroot51 was created Started: 23:59:59.370841 Duration: 85.636 ms Changes: ---------- arcology/wwwroot51: ---------- mountpoint: /var/51-wwwroot compression: zstd com.sun:auto-snapshot: true
May 17 2023
May 15 2023
Next step is to actually deploy the SASL credential from secrets/nasqueron/odderon/nickserv
Views of addresses for a prefix shows relevant information we can extract:
Password truncation
Passwords are explicitly truncated to 25 characters in load_helpers functions:
Where we see why global variables are evil.
Remove setup.ini SASL change, not in scope of this
SASL patch tested in T1739 works fine:
I don't know what's happen with darkbot 7, but with 6f6 it works like a charm:
May 14 2023
Back to version 6f6, I can't repro the issue, it connects correctly:
I can repro while connecting to Libera through znc.
Blocked by T1870 to test correctly this.
Secrets stored in Vault
Simple SASL implementation does NOT require a library.
May 13 2023
In M15#201, @dereckson wrote:To be coherent with new table names, incident_post.step_id -> incident_post.status_id?
In M16#197, @dereckson wrote:Nice to see it takes shape :)
Okay, let's do an easy thing to solve that for DevCentral repositories:
What's missing compared to
Rebased. Use default_gateways and default_gateways_virt fields. Add support for IPv6.
Done, with a migration script.
PHP configuration to improve:
DUID published in Vault under ops/secrets/network/DUID/2001:bc8:2e84:700::
Does Vikidia still needs this?
2001:bc8:2e84:700:: /56 should be used for WindRiver addresses.
Autoconfig IP isn't in our block
The DUID of your prefix (and each of its subnets) is like a private key and grants you access to your prefix. Keep it secret and do not share it.
Through autoconfig we've an IP in our /64 block: 2001:bc8:6005:5:aa1e:84ff:fef3:5d9c
According recent portsnap man: