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May 18 2023

dereckson added inline comments to D3094: Clone wwwroot51 repositories wih proper credentials.
May 18 2023, 09:07
dereckson accepted D3094: Clone wwwroot51 repositories wih proper credentials.
May 18 2023, 09:07
dereckson updated the diff for D3094: Clone wwwroot51 repositories wih proper credentials.

Fixes during test deployment

May 18 2023, 09:06
dereckson updated the diff for D3094: Clone wwwroot51 repositories wih proper credentials.

Rebased against D3099

May 18 2023, 00:06
dereckson closed D3099: Create ZFS volume for /var/51-wwwroot.
May 18 2023, 00:02
dereckson committed rOPSd420a719800b: Create ZFS volume for /var/51-wwwroot (authored by dereckson).
Create ZFS volume for /var/51-wwwroot
May 18 2023, 00:02
dereckson accepted D3099: Create ZFS volume for /var/51-wwwroot.

Snapshots work too:

May 18 2023, 00:02
dereckson added a comment to D3099: Create ZFS volume for /var/51-wwwroot.
$ salt-call --local state.sls_id arcology/wwwroot51 roles/devserver/webserver-wwwroot51
          ID: arcology/wwwroot51
    Function: zfs.filesystem_present
      Result: True
     Comment: filesystem arcology/wwwroot51 was created
     Started: 23:59:59.370841
    Duration: 85.636 ms
May 18 2023, 00:01
dereckson added a comment to D3094: Clone wwwroot51 repositories wih proper credentials.
May 18 2023, 00:00

May 17 2023

dereckson requested review of D3099: Create ZFS volume for /var/51-wwwroot.
May 17 2023, 23:59
dereckson committed rOPS0c3bb36d0b97: Correctly resolve %%node%% variable in Vault policies (authored by dereckson).
Correctly resolve %%node%% variable in Vault policies
May 17 2023, 23:45
dereckson closed D3098: Correctly resolve %%node%% variable in Vault policies.
May 17 2023, 23:45
dereckson accepted D3098: Correctly resolve %%node%% variable in Vault policies.
May 17 2023, 23:44
dereckson requested review of D3098: Correctly resolve %%node%% variable in Vault policies.
May 17 2023, 23:44
dereckson added inline comments to rOPS936e401ff3a4: Update connection information to broker for notifications CLI.
May 17 2023, 23:42

May 15 2023

inidal closed D3097: Initialize repository.
May 15 2023, 22:22
inidal committed rSPbc7bacc3538a: Initialize repository (authored by inidal).
Initialize repository
May 15 2023, 22:22
dereckson accepted D3097: Initialize repository.
May 15 2023, 22:21
dereckson updated the summary of D3097: Initialize repository.
May 15 2023, 22:21
dereckson updated the summary of D3097: Initialize repository.
May 15 2023, 22:21
inidal requested review of D3097: Initialize repository.
May 15 2023, 22:19
dereckson edited the content of New-repo.
May 15 2023, 21:48
inidal updated images of M16: ServPulse - Index (Wireframe).
May 15 2023, 20:24 · ServPulse, design
dereckson added a comment to T1739: Add SASL capability to Darkbot.

Next step is to actually deploy the SASL credential from secrets/nasqueron/odderon/nickserv

May 15 2023, 17:35 · Odderon, IRC
dereckson closed D3096: Add SASL capability.
May 15 2023, 17:30
dereckson committed rDARKBOTd812e6e73fa0: Add SASL capability (authored by dereckson).
Add SASL capability
May 15 2023, 17:30
dereckson accepted D3096: Add SASL capability.
May 15 2023, 17:29
dereckson updated the summary of D3096: Add SASL capability.
May 15 2023, 17:29
dereckson added a revision to T1739: Add SASL capability to Darkbot: D3096: Add SASL capability.
May 15 2023, 17:27 · Odderon, IRC
dereckson requested review of D3096: Add SASL capability.
May 15 2023, 17:27
dereckson added a comment to T1868: NetBox to .db.

Views of addresses for a prefix shows relevant information we can extract:

May 15 2023, 17:11 · Odderon
dereckson added a comment to T1145: Don't truncate passwords.

Password truncation
Passwords are explicitly truncated to 25 characters in load_helpers functions:

May 15 2023, 17:08 · security, Odderon
dereckson closed T1870: Can't end network registration on Freenode as Resolved by committing rDARKBOT829d0e0bda75: Don't declare mutable variables as static.
May 15 2023, 16:42 · IRC, Odderon
dereckson closed D3095: Don't declare mutable variables as static.
May 15 2023, 16:42
dereckson committed rDARKBOT829d0e0bda75: Don't declare mutable variables as static (authored by dereckson).
Don't declare mutable variables as static
May 15 2023, 16:42
dereckson accepted D3095: Don't declare mutable variables as static.

Where we see why global variables are evil.

May 15 2023, 16:42
dereckson updated the diff for D3095: Don't declare mutable variables as static.

Remove setup.ini SASL change, not in scope of this

May 15 2023, 16:40
dereckson added a revision to T1870: Can't end network registration on Freenode : D3095: Don't declare mutable variables as static.
May 15 2023, 16:37 · IRC, Odderon
dereckson requested review of D3095: Don't declare mutable variables as static.
May 15 2023, 16:37
dereckson updated the task description for T1738: Allow Darkbot to connect to IPv6.
May 15 2023, 15:48 · good-first-issue, IPv6, Odderon, IRC
dereckson added a comment to T1870: Can't end network registration on Freenode .

SASL patch tested in T1739 works fine:

May 15 2023, 00:32 · IRC, Odderon
dereckson added a comment to T1739: Add SASL capability to Darkbot.

I don't know what's happen with darkbot 7, but with 6f6 it works like a charm:

May 15 2023, 00:32 · Odderon, IRC

May 14 2023

dereckson added a comment to T1870: Can't end network registration on Freenode .

Back to version 6f6, I can't repro the issue, it connects correctly:

May 14 2023, 22:11 · IRC, Odderon
dereckson added a comment to T1870: Can't end network registration on Freenode .

I can repro while connecting to Libera through znc.

May 14 2023, 19:23 · IRC, Odderon
dereckson added a comment to T1739: Add SASL capability to Darkbot.

Blocked by T1870 to test correctly this.

May 14 2023, 18:37 · Odderon, IRC
dereckson triaged T1870: Can't end network registration on Freenode as High priority.
May 14 2023, 18:36 · IRC, Odderon
dereckson moved T1738: Allow Darkbot to connect to IPv6 from Backlog to Dev on the good-first-issue board.
May 14 2023, 18:25 · good-first-issue, IPv6, Odderon, IRC
dereckson updated the task description for T1738: Allow Darkbot to connect to IPv6.
May 14 2023, 18:25 · good-first-issue, IPv6, Odderon, IRC
dereckson updated the task description for T1738: Allow Darkbot to connect to IPv6.
May 14 2023, 18:22 · good-first-issue, IPv6, Odderon, IRC
dereckson triaged T1869: Deploy credentials for irssi as Wishlist priority.
May 14 2023, 14:11 · Salt, IRC, User-Dereckson
dereckson edited P331 SASL-plain.c.
May 14 2023, 12:43 · IRC
dereckson claimed T1739: Add SASL capability to Darkbot.
May 14 2023, 12:40 · Odderon, IRC
dereckson added a comment to T1739: Add SASL capability to Darkbot.

Secrets stored in Vault

May 14 2023, 12:40 · Odderon, IRC
dereckson created P332 base64.c.
May 14 2023, 12:39
dereckson created P331 SASL-plain.c.
May 14 2023, 12:38 · IRC
dereckson committed rSNIPPETS587e4227c3e1: Prune blank line at the top (authored by dereckson).
Prune blank line at the top
May 14 2023, 09:17
dereckson committed rSNIPPETS20ba24990923: Add C template (authored by dereckson).
Add C template
May 14 2023, 09:16
inidal renamed M14: ServPulse - System Design (Draft) from Status Page - System Design (Draft) to ServPulse - System Design (Draft).
May 14 2023, 08:50 · design
inidal renamed M15: ServPulse - Database (Schema) from Status Page - Database (Schema) to ServPulse - Database (Schema).
May 14 2023, 08:50 · design, ServPulse
inidal renamed M16: ServPulse - Index (Wireframe) from Status Page - Index (Wireframe) to ServPulse - Index (Wireframe).
May 14 2023, 08:50 · ServPulse, design
inidal edited Description on ServPulse.
May 14 2023, 08:48
dereckson added a comment to T1739: Add SASL capability to Darkbot.

Simple SASL implementation does NOT require a library.

May 14 2023, 08:34 · Odderon, IRC
dereckson triaged T1868: NetBox to .db as Wishlist priority.
May 14 2023, 08:32 · Odderon

May 13 2023

dereckson requested review of D3094: Clone wwwroot51 repositories wih proper credentials.
May 13 2023, 23:58
dereckson added a revision to T1559: Figure how to deploy automatically /var/51-wwwroot credentials: D3094: Clone wwwroot51 repositories wih proper credentials.
May 13 2023, 23:57 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Vault, Servers
inidal added a comment to M15: ServPulse - Database (Schema).
In M15#201, @dereckson wrote:

To be coherent with new table names, incident_post.step_id -> incident_post.status_id?

May 13 2023, 23:26 · design, ServPulse
inidal updated the task description for T1867: Write JSON Objects for ServPulse API.
May 13 2023, 23:16 · BACKEND, ServPulse
inidal renamed ServPulse from Status Page to ServPulse.
May 13 2023, 23:13
inidal added a comment to M16: ServPulse - Index (Wireframe).
In M16#197, @dereckson wrote:

Nice to see it takes shape :)

May 13 2023, 23:12 · ServPulse, design
dereckson moved T1559: Figure how to deploy automatically /var/51-wwwroot credentials from Backlog to Working on on the Operations sprints (Consolidate them all) board.
May 13 2023, 20:14 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Vault, Servers
dereckson moved T1559: Figure how to deploy automatically /var/51-wwwroot credentials from Backlog to Working on on the Servers board.

Okay, let's do an easy thing to solve that for DevCentral repositories:

May 13 2023, 20:13 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Vault, Servers
dereckson closed T1537: Migrate 2017 Ysul content to Windriver as Resolved.
May 13 2023, 18:01 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson closed T1537: Migrate 2017 Ysul content to Windriver , a subtask of T1536: Provision a new development server, as Resolved.
May 13 2023, 18:01 · Operations sprints (Consolidate them all), Servers
dereckson closed T1864: On FreeBSD 13.2, portsnap fetch refuses to work in non interactive mode as Resolved by committing rOPSc6ea8cdd4d8f: Run portsnap in interactive mode.
May 13 2023, 17:59 · Servers, Salt
dereckson closed D3093: Run portsnap in interactive mode.
May 13 2023, 17:59
dereckson committed rOPSc6ea8cdd4d8f: Run portsnap in interactive mode (authored by dereckson).
Run portsnap in interactive mode
May 13 2023, 17:59
dereckson accepted D3093: Run portsnap in interactive mode.

Seems to work:

May 13 2023, 17:55
dereckson planned changes to D2790: WIP: Generate a pillar from NetBox information.

What's missing compared to

May 13 2023, 16:33
dereckson updated the diff for D2790: WIP: Generate a pillar from NetBox information.


May 13 2023, 16:25
dereckson updated the diff for D2790: WIP: Generate a pillar from NetBox information.

Rebased. Use default_gateways and default_gateways_virt fields. Add support for IPv6.

May 13 2023, 16:24
dereckson edited P330
May 13 2023, 16:05
dereckson closed T1859: Represent IPv6 gateway in NetBox as Resolved.

Done, with a migration script.

May 13 2023, 16:05 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Servers
dereckson added a comment to T1685: Provide WordPress SaaS.

PHP configuration to improve:

May 13 2023, 15:33 · Servers, Wordpress
dereckson created P330
May 13 2023, 15:03
dereckson claimed T1859: Represent IPv6 gateway in NetBox.
May 13 2023, 14:30 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Servers
dereckson added a comment to T1861: Configure static IPv6 on WindRiver.

DUID published in Vault under ops/secrets/network/DUID/2001:bc8:2e84:700::

May 13 2023, 13:27 · security, Servers, IPv6
dereckson added a comment to T1158: proxycheck_check2 expects IPv4 and doesn't support IPv6.

Does Vikidia still needs this?

May 13 2023, 12:26 · IPv6, Dæghrefn
dereckson moved T1169: Postfix on doesn't listen on IPv6 from Backlog to Backlog - Monitoring / misc on the Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion) board.
May 13 2023, 12:25 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Servers, IPv6
dereckson moved T1169: Postfix on doesn't listen on IPv6 from Backlog to Analysis / under discussion on the Servers board.
May 13 2023, 12:25 · Operations sprints (Ignite Alkane Propulsion), Servers, IPv6
dereckson moved T1861: Configure static IPv6 on WindRiver from Backlog to Analysis / under discussion on the Servers board.
May 13 2023, 12:24 · security, Servers, IPv6
dereckson triaged T1861: Configure static IPv6 on WindRiver as Normal priority.
May 13 2023, 12:24 · security, Servers, IPv6
dereckson added a comment to T1861: Configure static IPv6 on WindRiver.

2001:bc8:2e84:700:: /56 should be used for WindRiver addresses.

May 13 2023, 12:23 · security, Servers, IPv6
dereckson added a comment to T1861: Configure static IPv6 on WindRiver.

Autoconfig IP isn't in our block

May 13 2023, 12:14 · security, Servers, IPv6
dereckson added a project to T1861: Configure static IPv6 on WindRiver: security.
May 13 2023, 12:08 · security, Servers, IPv6
dereckson added a comment to T1861: Configure static IPv6 on WindRiver.

The DUID of your prefix (and each of its subnets) is like a private key and grants you access to your prefix. Keep it secret and do not share it.

May 13 2023, 12:08 · security, Servers, IPv6
dereckson added a comment to T1861: Configure static IPv6 on WindRiver.

Through autoconfig we've an IP in our /64 block: 2001:bc8:6005:5:aa1e:84ff:fef3:5d9c

May 13 2023, 12:05 · security, Servers, IPv6
dereckson moved T1864: On FreeBSD 13.2, portsnap fetch refuses to work in non interactive mode from Backlog to Pending review on the Servers board.
May 13 2023, 11:55 · Servers, Salt
dereckson added a revision to T1864: On FreeBSD 13.2, portsnap fetch refuses to work in non interactive mode: D3093: Run portsnap in interactive mode.
May 13 2023, 11:52 · Servers, Salt
dereckson requested review of D3093: Run portsnap in interactive mode.
May 13 2023, 11:52
dereckson added a comment to T1864: On FreeBSD 13.2, portsnap fetch refuses to work in non interactive mode.

According recent portsnap man:

May 13 2023, 11:47 · Servers, Salt