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May 31 2023
macOS is the new OS name
I moved my WikiMedia development environment from Ysul to WindRiver, so we can have a faster https://mediawiki.dereckson.be/ to test this.
May 30 2023
In D3160#47888, @Herald wrote:This change touches Wolfplex files. As such, administrative approval is needed from Wolfplex technical contact.
Fix for deployment
First run
Update configuration file name
Regardless of the previous remark on the lack of stability of upstream image, we can currently proceed.
Hmmm they prioritized the configuration to load in a specific order, so now it's 20-management_agent.disable_metrics_collector.conf
Still "Stats in management UI are disabled on this node"
Debian package repository isn't currently a need, but packages.nasqueron.org is needed for FreeBSD and Fedora downstreams.
Currently abandoned in favour of D3157 in the scope of woof.
The woof package is for Python 2.7, so code isn't up-to-date.
Improve README, CSV example and darkbot syntax
In T1131#27720, @fauve wrote:This list highly seams to be the IETF tag language. A full list can be founded here https://www.iana.org/assignments/language-subtag-registry/language-subtag-registry
May 29 2023
This README quickly written in the train between Charleroi and Nivelles gives an overview of the options we can provide:
Let's do the same thing than for rfc-datasource: create a small language-subtag-registry-datasource utility in rDS to fetch the IANA list and allow to transform it.
This list highly seams to be the IETF tag language. A full list can be founded here https://www.iana.org/assignments/language-subtag-registry/language-subtag-registry
Next step is to deploy the new info2.db
It produces a correct Darkbot RFC database:
So, Dorian updated configuration for eggdrop, and I handled this week the Darkbot one.
Libera accepts connections in IPv4 and with SASL we can connect from Scaleway network.
Works like a charm.
Credentials. Secrets provisioned to Eglide Vault under kv/service/odderon/nickserv.
s/master/minion/ for salt-call --local