So, Dorian updated configuration for eggdrop, and I handled this week the Darkbot one.
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May 29 2023
Libera accepts connections in IPv4 and with SASL we can connect from Scaleway network.
Works like a charm.
Credentials. Secrets provisioned to Eglide Vault under kv/service/odderon/nickserv.
s/master/minion/ for salt-call --local
Insecable space hunt
Server log
$ vault version Vault v1.13.2 (b9b773f1628260423e6cc9745531fd903cae853f), built 2023-04-25T13:02:50Z offers backup services, but it's unclear if they only offer it for their hosted open-source services, or if they'd accept an external service too. They use rdiff-backup -
SASL capability has been added to darkbot, I'm going to deploy Vault to Eglide, so we can store credentials there.
That still compile on amd64 architecture, and build is really fast, so I suggest we do this with builder account like we do for Odderon (darkbot).
Just a note this task was mainly for ARM CPU, and we now use amd64 architecture.
May 28 2023
Our Libera contact is A_Dragon.
Per documentation suggestion, I'm reaching projects & community team to enquire if Nasqueron is eligible.
Tidy up HTML and template
By the way, we're out of IPv4 to waste for only a domain, but nothing prevents to serve forms. with Tomcat directly in IPv6.
Office hours are documented on the wiki:
May 27 2023
Improve functional syntax and rebase