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May 26 2023
May 26 2023
dereckson committed rASSETSaa617e127862: Serve CSS and woff2 for Poiret One. (authored by dereckson).
Serve CSS and woff2 for Poiret One.
dereckson added a revision to T1881: Migrate all fonts assets: D3135: Serve CSS and woff2 for Poiret One..
May 25 2023
May 25 2023
Deploy Orbeon Forms
dereckson committed rFORMSc198dfd05ef1: Improve Nasqueron Join application form (authored by dereckson).
Improve Nasqueron Join application form
README, permissions
dereckson committed rASSETS54a245ad2485: Publish static resources for Nasqueron Forms (authored by dereckson).
Publish static resources for Nasqueron Forms
dereckson added a revision to T1884: Deploy Orbeon Forms: D3134: Publish static resources for Nasqueron Forms.
Add PostgreSQL JDBC to Tomcat
French l10n
dereckson committed rOPS7406ef91eb10: Handle the odd case no package is needed in roles/dbserver-pgsql/server (authored by dereckson).
Handle the odd case no package is needed in roles/dbserver-pgsql/server
dereckson updated the test plan for D3132: Handle the odd case no package is needed in roles/dbserver-pgsql/server.
dereckson requested review of D3132: Handle the odd case no package is needed in roles/dbserver-pgsql/server.
More configuration parts. PostgreSQL ok.
dereckson committed rOPSa1938c0b3236: Create PostgreSQL database for Orbeon Forms (authored by dereckson).
Create PostgreSQL database for Orbeon Forms
scram-sha-256 -> plain text ; fixes during deployment
dereckson closed T1888: Add XML support on db-A PostgreSQL, a subtask of T1884: Deploy Orbeon Forms, as Resolved.
dereckson closed T1888: Add XML support on db-A PostgreSQL as Resolved by committing rOPSe79d77e83a85: Build PostgreSQL with XML support on FreeBSD.
dereckson committed rOPSe79d77e83a85: Build PostgreSQL with XML support on FreeBSD (authored by dereckson).
Build PostgreSQL with XML support on FreeBSD
Packages required to build it ourselves:
dereckson moved T1878: Allow to run queries for reporting from Backlog to Services / Features on the DBA board.
dereckson added a revision to T1884: Deploy Orbeon Forms: D3129: Create PostgreSQL database for Orbeon Forms.
dereckson updated the task description for T169: Ensure /root/setup-network.service is installed and works correctly on Dwellers.
dereckson added a comment to T169: Ensure /root/setup-network.service is installed and works correctly on Dwellers.
Meanwhile, we configured correctly GRE interface and IPv6 tunnel separately,
so at next Dwellers reboot, we need to state what works
Run later route on CentOS nodes
dereckson moved T1762: Deploy NetBox from Backlog to Features / Services on the Drake network board.
dereckson moved T1767: Provision /etc/hosts from Backlog to Features / Services on the Drake network board.
dereckson moved T1757: docker-001 routing for drake doesn't work on boot from Backlog to IntraNought on the Drake network board.
dereckson moved T1741: Wrong GRE tunnel configuration Ysul on boot from Backlog to IntraNought / GRE tunnels on the Drake network board.
dereckson moved T1887: Run route at the right moment on CentOS nodes from Backlog to Blocked / to review on the Drake network board.
dereckson added a parent task for T1886: Restart Dwellers: T1887: Run route at the right moment on CentOS nodes.
dereckson added a subtask for T1887: Run route at the right moment on CentOS nodes: T1886: Restart Dwellers.
dereckson moved T1885: Arcanist wrapper doesn't support | arc paste from Backlog to Custom development on the DevCentral board.
dereckson committed rOPS6a0efaf785c8: Provide or update SaltStack repository for RedHat servers (authored by dereckson).
Provide or update SaltStack repository for RedHat servers
upstream Documentation issue: https://groups.google.com/g/orbeon/c/7PcWET_qjAY/m/JYGSi0nOAQAJ
May 24 2023
May 24 2023
dereckson committed rDII9d5c84e52ed2: Serve 502 and homepage for forms.nasqueron.org (authored by dereckson).
Serve 502 and homepage for forms.nasqueron.org
We'll fix all of those in a follow-up commit.
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